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"We can successfully say that you have all completed this crash course on survival and Defensive magic!" Professor Caius said sadistically. These last few weeks were brutal. They all were given the top floor of the Twilight Tower and were shown no kindness. Professor Caius oversaw tactics and survival. Professor Eleazar taught them about the terrain and forest life there and how to survive from it. Professor Luther taught them basic first aid and apparently Bryce has a medical degree. So, they have an unlicensed immortal doctor with them. Administrator Margaret only taught Zora personally. Since Margaret knew the dangers of such a mission, Zora was taught dark magic under Margaret who could control even the darkest of magic. Of course, Bryce was against it, but he had to compromise. So, in the end, Zora and Bryce were taught dark magic together since Margaret knew dark magic works better in twos. Faeries were taught defensive magic by their faerie teacher, Professor Allette. Liam used his alpha ability to control his wolfpack. Paul, Quill, and Seth were coming with them. Emmet and Violet were taught by Professor Carmen.

"Yay," the students muttered.

"Come on," he said. "This was the most difficult course we have ever taught you and you all succeeded. You all are now ready to go to Hawaii!"

The Super Squad looked at each other and smiled. Finally, one step forward.


They didn't waste any time and went to pack all their stuff. It was almost Christmas time, but what a great Christmas it would be if they found the dagger that could possibly save them from what was next. Zora and Bryce packed sensibly. Piper packed as she was going on a vacation and so did everyone else.

"You all know this is not a vacation, right?" Zora asked dryly. "This is a matter of life and death."

"But it's Christmas! Nothing wrong with doing it in style," Piper said. Zora rolled her eyes acting disinterested, but she was secretly extremely excited to go to Hawaii! She has never been on vacation before. She didn't pack herself anything fun, knowing Piper must have done it.

"By the way," Piper said. "I packed some bikinis and sundresses for you as well."

They were putting their luggage in the bus as they left for the airport.

"Be safe darling," Luther kissed Margaret's head.

She smiled up at him and said, "I love you,"

"As I you," he gently kissed her, and they parted.

Luther watched the bus leave the school grounds and prayed that all of them be all right.


"This suck. I thought we were going to have a few days to relax before going on this hike!" Piper groaned.

"It'll be better if we relax after we find the cave," Bryce said.

The Super Squad has been in Hawaii for 2 days. They took rest the first day from their long and tedious flight. The second morning in Hawaii, they left for the forest. They went to the most dangerous terrain for a human and found that the real mountain had a glamour on it. So, make it less suspicious to humans. They started their hike and covered one fourth of the mountain. The vampires and the wolves had covered a larger area and saw no signs of a cave or a mountain.

"This place looks untouched," Quill said. "It looks like no one has been here in at least a few hundred years."

Zora sighed and rubbed her face. She was getting restless. Was it because of the lack of leads or because of something else she didn't know?

"Piper, show me the cave photos again," Zora said.

Piper gave her the photos and Zora looked again. Maybe she will catch something she missed.

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