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Mellow - someone or something that is calm, smooth, and free from harshness.
Research - the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources to establish facts and reach new conclusions.

They were sitting in the library studying for their upcoming terms. Zora was currently trying to read the extra credit material available for her magic history class. Apparently, there is something about a merge that is super important in witch history.

"What's the merge?" she asked Bryce.

Bryce looked up from his AP Chemistry book and said, "Where did you hear about it?"

She propped up her book, Witch Coven History.

"There is something about what the merge is, what it does but nothing about why? Why was something like the merge put there in the first place?" she asked him.

Bryce sat up straight and said, "The legends say that a traveller came across the Gemini coven and they insulted the traveller. The coven didn't realize they were standing before an enormously powerful witch. And to teach them a lesson, the travelling one cursed the Gemini covens to always have twins and to have one of them killed the other when the time comes to rule".

Zora was disturbed. Who in their right mind would do something like this?

"How...rude." Bryce smiled.

"Yeah, I guess, but taught other covens a lesson, never insult a stranger. Now, about what Theneh said,'' he said suddenly. "The weapon, what are you planning to do about it?"

"What makes you think I am planning something?" she asked him, challengingly.

He raised an eyebrow at her, and she sighed.

"Nothing yet," she said. "I can't figure out the location of the weapon. Deep in the cave of highland lowland, where no light reaches, rests the vehicle of demon's mother salvation. What is that? It's a cave in the mountains that much I understand, but what is this lowland Theneh was talking about?"

Bryce thought about it. The highland lowland, what kind of things dips when we go to the mountains?

"A lake," he said.

She looked at him and he stared back.

"A lake," he said. "A water body is the only thing that goes low or dips even when inside a cave."

"A deeper cave or a hole also makes sense Bryce," Zora said.

"Who is the demon mother?" she asked Bryce.

"Lilith," he said.

Something happened in that moment. The aura and Zora's magic, started to settle around her, like that name means something to it. Usually, Zora's magic feels heightened around her, always on alert. But hearing Lilith's name calmed her magic. Her shoulder involuntarily sagged, and she relaxed.

Bryce noticed Zora getting relaxed as she let out a deep sigh.

"That is the most relaxed I have seen you since you have come here," he commented.

"I don't know," she said. "Hearing Lilith's name made the magic around me settle. Mellow. Like it means something to it. My magic doesn't feel the need to protect me right now."

Bryce frowned. Magic is a living and breathing entity. It always feels the need to protect its wielder. The only time it doesn't is when it trusts someone completely. Lilith is the last person Zora needs to trust. Bryce knew all the stories of the Demon Mother Lilith, Angel killer. He knew about what was hidden and never to be talked about in the school.

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