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Electric Friends - thrilling; exciting; stirring person who has a strong liking for and trust in another person.

Bryce was on his side of the tower and played the piano. He was playing his mother's lullaby and relaxed into the seat. Everyone was asleep and it was quiet, both in his mind and around him. He could not help but think about Zora. He exhausted himself trying to get inside her mind but couldn't. How he almost destroyed the cafeteria because he was curious. Who was she and why couldn't he read her? He got up and started to make his way down to the common room area of Twilight Tower when he heard a scream. Little sparks of electricity sparked in the air, and he knew it was Zora. He could hear Piper's frantic thoughts as he saw Zora having a nightmare.

"Zora, Zora... it's ok, it's okay! It was just a dream!" Piper shouted at Zora. Her scared eyes staring back at Piper. Bryce could see the torment in her eyes. She was frightened.

"He killed me! Bryce is going to kill me!" Zora screamed at her as electricity went haywire.

"Zora, you have to calm down! Your magic is..." Piper started but Zora screamed, and a shield came in front of her. Bryce rushed out of Twilight Tower, away from the pain.

Bryce did not want to listen to Zora's nightmare and went to the farthest corner of the school. There was a void room in the boarding school, a type of private quarters void of any noise. Shut off from the outside world. Everyone called it the Silent Room. Bryce could go lock himself away and find peace. Most people go insane with the silence after 20 minutes, but Bryce could stay for hours having finally found silence from other people. Bryce went into the room. He closed the door and slid down against it. Did she really think so little of him? He would never kill an innocent... The guilt tears him apart. Even when he rebelled against his mother's teaching and went on human blood hunts. He closed his eyes and stopped that train of thought. What hurt him more than he cared to admit was the fact Zora thought of him as a monster. That he would kill her. The thought of seeing her cold, pale and not moving, terrified him. He put his head in his hands and groaned. How should he make it better? Will she even let him?

Bryce returned to his dormitory. He looked up and saw the room was illuminated in moonlight. He walked up to his window and sat down near it. He looked up and saw the waning gibbous phase of the moon. He smiled as he saw the moon and the stars from his window. He loved watching the moon and stars because they were so beautifully simple. He wishes his life could be that. Suddenly he got an idea on how he can make some progress. His mood lifted and he started playing the piano once again. The girl with the chocolate eyes on his mind.


Zora woke up feeling a lighter than she ever had the next day. She felt a lot less tired than she usually feels, she thought and got up to find Piper already gone for the morning. She found Piper's note on her table. Zora picked it up and it read,

Gone to town for a few things for our spa night. I left you some breakfast, maybe walk around the gardens. It's just passed the stadium field. There's a path. Stay on the path, don't go deep into the forest alone. I left some books and notes you are free to review. It's Sunday, most of the students are in the library or sleeping in. I'll see you after lunch. We'll then go to Dr Cullen to get you checked up for classes. And go easy on Bryce, *wink wink*.

Seeing Bryce's name brought back last night's nightmare. She let go of the note and took a shuddering breath. She wrapped her hands around herself and tried to not have a panic attack. When she calmed down, she went to the bathroom and freshened up with some clothes Piper left behind for her. When she came back to her dorm, she saw Bryce Cullen sitting on her bed.

She took a sharp breath as he looked at her. He was even more handsome up close, she thought. She frowned and then thought, can he hear that? Bryce stood up and frowned back at her. He still cannot hear anything. He shook his head and did not try to read her.

"I would like to..." he said, awkwardly.

"I don't have a headache," Zora interrupted him. Her face still frowned up.

Bryce was stunned. "Pardon me?"

"Whenever you are around," Zora continued. "I usually get a headache. Like a throbbing pain, like someone wants to rip my brain out and feed on it." She frowned.

He sheepishly looked at the floor and ran his hand through his hair, "I think that is my fault," Bryce said. Zora chuckled to herself as his hair stood up even more wildly than before. "I tried your mind and I guess your shield prevented me from doing that. That is what I came here to apologize for. I am so sorry to cause you pain, not once but twice now," Bryce quickly said. "I will try not to force my powers on you."

She stared blankly at him. Was Bryce Cullen apologizing to her? Suddenly she understood what Piper meant about going easy on him. She gave out a deep sigh as he stiffened. Zora finally realized Bryce wasn't breathing much around her.

"I accept your apology," she softly said.

"Thank you," he said. "I would like to officially introduce myself, I'm Bryce Cullen, I am the captain of the Polo team, nice to meet you," he stuck his hand out.

Zora put her hand in his and electricity went up her arm. She widened her eyes and looked at Bryce. Apparently, he felt that too.

"I'm Zora Lowell and that wasn't me I swear," she said. Bryce gave her an amused smile and nodded, "Good to know, Zora Lowell," he said, shaking her hand.

"I'll see you around," he said and walked out of her dorms.

Zora pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming. Was Bryce now her friend?


This is an extra small chapter since this was a filler scene but next we have some ex factor drama coming up.... 

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