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Headache - a continuous pain in the head. Or a thing or person that causes worry or trouble, a problem.

Zora was getting tired of all the information she was getting. Everything she thought was fairy tale or fantasy or a myth is true. That was overwhelming. And now there is a school for all those creatures, and she may be one of them. Zora quietly rubbed on her temples and almost banged into a door.

"Careful!" Piper said, rubbing her shoulder.

"What is this now?" Zora asked Piper.

"This is the cafeteria. We have everything you could..." she replied.

"Let me guess, ever want? This must also be run by a witch?" Zora snapped at Piper.

Piper looked at her in surprise. Zora sighed and apologized, "Sorry, I am just tired."

"It's alright I understand," she said. "Come on, just one more stop and then we could go to the dorms and sleep."

Zora tiredly nodded and went after Piper and sat on an empty seat. Piper tapped on Zora's shoulder and said, "Wait here I'll get you some pizza and soda. Your favorite right?"

Zora nodded and kept rubbing at her temple. The cafeteria doors opened, and she turned around to see who entered. It was the guy she saw at the field this morning. He changed into his uniform and was walking towards an empty table. She kept staring at him and jerked as Piper banged on a table.

Zora turned to look at him and so did Bryce Cullen. He narrowed his eyes at Zora and Piper and sat down on a table.

"Who is that guy again? Does that guy hate me or something?" Zora asked. 

"Oh Bryce Cullen, that's the guy you blasted away in the field. He's someone special, and powerful."

"How powerful?"

"Like one of a kind. But I don't think he hates you. I think he can't read you."

"Read me?"

"Oh, Bryce could read minds, like every memory, every emotion, if you thought it, he knows." Zora gasped. "Don't worry, rumor has it you are the first one to ever stop him."


"Yup! Plus, he can shut off minds like snapping your fingers. Like completely wipe your memory, your thoughts. You would be a vegetable, frozen, unable to speak or even think. Immensely powerful."

"Woah." Zora watched that same couple, the blonde beauty, and brown-haired guy walk in. The blonde, red-eyed beauty glaring at Piper again. "Does that happen a lot?"

"Oh, I don't mind it. Violet has every right to hate me." Violet can only be described as one of the 'most beautiful person in the world'. Most vampires are astoundingly gorgeous, but Violet is even more due to her natural beauty as a human. She is 5'9" tall and statuesque, with an elegant figure like a model. She has long wavy blond hair that falls halfway down to the middle of her back that perfectly suits red eyes that she shares with the rest of the vampire clan. Violet enjoys wearing beautiful and elegant dresses because of her vampire figure along with expensive and elaborate jewelry that reflect her high standing.

"Nobody should glare at anybody like that," Zora said to Piper, and she looked at Piper weirdly.

"You said Bryce Cullen, like Cullen Falls Boarding School, does that mean Bryce's family owns this place?" Zora asked to deflect her.

"Well, sort of. The Cullens did found this school in America. You met Margaret, she's a Cullen. Her family is one of the oldest families in the world, besides the Volturi and African Coven."

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