CH 12 - SPY

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Spy - someone who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.

Bryce and Derek walked deep in the Whispering Woods together. Bryce kneeled at the footsteps left behind. "It's another cyclops."

"What's the psychic half fairy's name again?"

"You mean, Piper..."

"Right Piper. Didn't she say she saw a group of cyclops moving into the mountains?"

"She had visions of many monsters coming into the mountain ranges near the school."

"That's the second cyclops this month, they don't usually come out this time of the year. What is drawing these monsters so close to the school? What's the attraction?"

"Oh, you know, just your normal magical draw," Bryce said.

"Don't you feel it's more Bryce. I mean, ever since the new girl, these monsters are attacking the school's barrier. Usually, the monsters are after the students, but now it looks like they are trying to break in, to get something else, or someone."

"I know." They came to a cave. Roars could be heard inside. "Ready?"

"We really should have brought Scott with us."

"He said he had a date with Violet. It's just a cyclops. Aim for the one eye, not that hard, fairy."

"Shut it, tribrid. Just because you are almighty and immortal, doesn't mean we all are." Derek pulled out his slingshot and grabbed a handful of rocks.

As the 2 boys headed deep in the cave, they came across a huge Cyclops battling against a mighty Minotaur holding a large axe. Bryce held Derek back.

'Let them fight it out first, we'll take on the winner,' Bryce spoke straight into Derek's head. He nodded. Derek and Bryce waited. The Cyclops stunned the Minotaur with a powerful clap that sent shock waves, knocking back the Minotaur. And then the Cyclops defeated the Minotaur, who came at the Cyclops with singular axe attacks, once the Cyclops overpowered it, knocking it over, the Cyclops started stomping, causing rocks to far from the ceiling of the cave and crushed the Minotaur. Derek took his slingshot and fired off quick shots of rocks at the back of the head to the Cyclops to distract it. Bryce lifted a boulder, hitting the Cyclops straight in the face. Derek fired a single rock straight into the Cyclops' eye, bringing it down. Bryce retrieved the axe.

"What? It's a nice axe." Derek shook his head.


Zora was waiting on Bryce to come back from hunting the cyclops Piper sent him to find. Zora gasped when a hand touched her arm to break her thoughts. Zora was in the hallway when Garrett came from behind her, and she electrocuted him. Zora feels weird and tired around Garrett as if he is sucking magic and her life from inside her.

"Fuck!" Garrett dropped to his knees as she shocked him.

"Oh no!" Bryce arrived just in time to watch Garrett drop. "I'm sorry. I don't know what the hell happened?" Bryce helped Garrett back to his feet.

"Zora! You can't keep doing this! Garrett doesn't have magic like us, without his sceptre, he's powerless against any attack!"

"I don't know why that happened. He came up behind me, I guess it scared it."

"I know it's hard, and it's only been less than 6 months since you moved here, but you can't go shocking people like that."

"It's ok Bryce. She is right. I did come up behind her. I should know better than to sneak up on a potential powerful witch." Garret gave a small smile, though Zora could tell he was in some pain.

Zora grimaced. "I am still very sorry."

"It's okay."

"Let's go. We can get some training in before studying." Zora nodded at Bryce. "See you later Garrett."


Headmistress Margaret and Luther were walking the ground early the next morning when a cab pulled up. "Another student?"

"Yes, a newer student than Zora. But she is late," Margaret said, walking to the gate as the new student walked through carrying her suitcase and backpack. "Hello."

"Hello! Mistress Cullen!"

"Just Headmistress Margaret here."


"Vivian, you changed your blonde hair. I like the black."


"Well, come... come. This is Luther. He is our resident doctor. Now what happened? Why were you delayed?"

"I missed my flight. I guess I couldn't say goodbye. Headmaster Bane was lucky enough to get me on the next one, but it was delayed due to weather."

"Of course. Now, since you were already in classes at Mozna School, I have your new uniform and books ready to go. Cafeteria is open, so be sure to eat a healthy meal before classes start. You will be staying in Twilight tower because right now our Raven's Tower for witches is a bit full and we have plenty of space in Twilight Tower with only 2 girls there."

The spy and the Master locked eyes as the ghoul in disguise made it inside the school. The spy could see how relieved the master was that the disguise was good enough to pass through the school's barrier. Hopefully, nothing will hinder the master's plans. The spy remembers when it learned about its mission.


The ghoul's pukey green skin started to pale. The elongated front teeth slowly started to shrink into the mouth. As a blinding white light transformed the hideous creature into a young woman. She stood naked before her Master. He was cloaked in darkness, a black robe over his head, blocking any view of his face. With a snap of his fingers, she was clothed easily.

"This should help you blend in," the man in the sceptre said as the former ghoul now young woman stood in a tight black dress with spider web fishnet tights and black combat boots. Her midnight black ghoul hair now with blonde, almost white with black highlights underneath. She gave him a bow.

"Thank you Master," the ghoul gave him a twirl. The ghoul looked at her hands, human hands, and fingers. She created a small spark of fire form. This witch was powerful. "I will kill that little bitch now." A full blast of fire balls flew up from her hands.

"No, not yet. We need her. You are there to watch them and find out their weaknesses."

"But Master..."

"DO NOT question me! I can take away everything with one snap of my finger! Do not test me."

"Yes Master." The young girl bowed again. "Forgive me." Master snapped his fingers.

"You will go here and tell me everything I ask of you," the Master said. "If you disobey me or try to betray me, I will not hesitate to show everyone your true self. And kill you in the process."

The ghoul, no, she was human now, she nodded fearfully and looked at all her stuff. The Witch School is her new destination. Her next step would be to make it inside and complete her master's plan.


Hello lovelies! We have 180+ views on this story! Let's get it up till 200, yeah? Chapter length will increase again by the next chapter. Check out The Seasonal Awards, The Artistic Awards, The Indian Legion for some amazing books and activities. 


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