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Freak - a very unusual and unexpected event or situation. Or a person, animal, or plant with an unusual physical abnormality.


Deep in the forbidden forest was an ordinary cave. Anyone who ever saw it, would simply just pass by it. Not even the founders of the school and the forest found anything unusual about it. However, anyone who entered the cave, very rarely made it out alive. Different types of howls and growls leave the cave, heard, only if you enter. Telling them that they entered at their own perish. The moist air let water ooze over rock, a slow of dimming light until it's just darkness in the distance. There was an onion stink of sweat that said that its inhabitants were not human but something sinister. Something that should not be on this plane of its existence.

The cave entrance was dark and looming. The path down into the cave was long and dangerous. It would be too dangerous a trip for any known supernatural. Inferno Cave is what everyone who knows about it, called it. And it was true to its name. It's a dangerous environment full of evil monsters. Loud growls and snarls from the dark creatures below could be heard. The path finally opened to a huge pit. A man in all black, a mighty spectre stood above as hot lava flowed below.

Every creature snarled and hissed. The man banged his mighty sceptre on the floor, and everyone got silent.

"Come forward, child," he said, hoarsely.

A small ugly creature came forward, he walked with a sense of unsure purpose. It looked as if it never expected to make it this far.

"Will you please your loyal allegiance to our cause?" the man asked.

The ghoul looked unsure.

The man stood, "Join me my child. It is time to tip the balance of the cosmos once again. It is almost time to wake the greater demon in the name of our queen! You and your kind have been wronged for a long time and if you join me, I promise you, you will get your vengeance!" he said, and everyone roared.

The ghoul stood up straight, as it could and kneeled in front of the man with the sceptre.

"I pledge my allegiance to your cause, Master," the ghoul said.

The Master banged his sceptre on the ground, every creature, hissed.

Soon, he thought. My queen shall have a champion soon.


Zora was exhausted but she had some studying to do. She went to the library, made herself coffee and opened. the "History of SUPERS" book. She went to the chapter about vampires.

Bran's Castle, home to Volturi, the first vampire's clan. Only a castle that houses only vampires. Commonly known outside Romania as Dracula's Castle today with stone walls and red rooftop. In the autumn 1001 AD, after werewolves killed her youngest son, a powerful witch Esther performed a powerful ritual to protect her five remaining children along with her husband Finn. The ritual turned them into the first vampires. Following the death of Esther, the family scattered across the world creating hundreds of more vampires throughout the generations. There was a stone cross dedicated to Esther who created the first vampires.

Every regular vampire who has ever existed is descended from those of their kind known as the original vampires, who, unlike most vampires, were turned not by dying with vampire blood in their system, but who were instead transformed using a spell that was cast using dark magic at some point around 1001 AD.

Zora flipped to another castle called Alcázar of Segovia, an ancient medieval castle. Today it is called Cullen Coven. Much of Margaret's ancestral roots and family members call it home even today. Much like Bran's castle, but with a blue rooftop and not as hidden in the mountains. The Alcázar was originally built as a fortress but has served as a royal palace, a state prison, a Royal Artillery College, and a military academy. It was now used as a famous museum and a military archive building. Vampires, witches, and fairies are also known to live in Cullen Coven.

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