CH 27 - DATE

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Was Zora upset that her friend cared about shopping more than Zora? No! Absolutely not, why would she be upset. After all, she just fainted in the middle of the woods at night. That was probably just a cry for help right? She was being desperate. Zora scoffed at that train of thought.

Bryce could sense Zora's mood was a bit off.

"Hey, why don't we go out tonight."

"Go out?"

"Yeah, away from school, away from everything and just be us."

"Ok. That actually sounds good."

Bryce and Zora had been together for a while. Relationships just like every one of life's endeavours grow with time. Dating in romantic relationships also experiences distinct changes as bonds are formed and intimacy is developed. Attraction was prevalent since the first time they locked eyes. Bryce knew early on, not reading Zora's mind, helped build that attraction. She was alluring to him. Bryce realized early on, she wasn't going to fall for his good look and follow him around like Allison and every other woman he has ever met. And as much as he tried to deny it, Zora was just irresistible to fall in love with.

Zora stood in the mirror in a nice long maxi dress for her date with Bryce.

Zora and Bryce sat across from each other over a candle lit dinner. They were in a fancy restaurant. A fancy place for Cullen Falls. Zora felt like for the first time she was being swept off her feet. Bryce was such a wonderful man.

"Is this too much?"

Bryce and Zora looked at the pretentious small plate of appetizer brought over to them. They looked at each other and smiled.

"Let's get out of here."

Zora nodded. "Yeah."

Bryce and Zora were in the middle of a meadow surrounded by flowers and having tacos.

"Now this is the best damn date I have ever been on," Zora said, chowing down another taco. Bryce chuckled.

"And how many dates have you been on?"

"Uh, This one." Bryce smiled. "Yeah, not that much to compare it to, but it's still the best." It was like a fairy tale with Bryce using his magic to make twinkling lights above them like paper lanterns. There was a tent set up around them as well with candles inside. It made the date even more special because Bryce had lined the inside with candles to set the tent aglow. Zora was so comfortable on the cushion pillow seats.

"You sure set this up pretty fast."

"It has been in my mind for a while now."


"Yeah, ever since the Sirens, I wanted to take you out, show you a bit of romance."

"Well Bryce, if this is a bit, I can't wait to see when you go all out with romance."

"Well, I can't wait to show you."

Bryce ended their date warm with marshmallow heart hot chocolate by a raging fire. They both snuggled up against each other.


Piper walked around, mostly in her own head the entire day. Vivian tried to make her feel better, but it really didn't work. Piper could tell Vivian was trying to make her see how wrong Zora was acting, and treating Piper, when it was the opposite. Piper went to sit by the Sleepy Lake to think. Zora was her first real friend and just as soon Piper got a new friend, she ditched Zora? Even when Bryce and Zora started to date, Zora never let Bryce come in between both. Zora loved to split her time with both. Zora didn't like hair and make-up, or even shopping like Piper, but she did it because Piper loved it. Zora for the first time was excited to go shopping for their holiday vacation with Piper.

"Piper, right?" an angelic southern voice asked from behind her. Piper turned around to see her crush standing there. Blood flooded Piper's cheeks as she nodded. Unable to speak. "I can sense your self-loathing from a mile away," he said and sat down next to her. "What gives?" Piper's eyes went wide. She could not believe that Derek Whitlock was sitting next to her and talking to her. The only man she longed for her entire school life, after Scott anyway.

It's so complicated, Piper finally thought. She shook her head. Derek looked at her.

"You are feeling like you have been bad. A bad friend, to whom? Ahh, to Zora, your first real friend." Derek gave a small smile, "Zora has a way of making everyone like her. She really is an incredible person and friend. She never hesitates to stand up for someone when they themselves can't stand up."

Piper nodded.

Derek looked at Piper. "You know since the beginning she never treated you like some freak who gets visions. She stood up for you, remember that day on the bus." Piper nodded again. "She does that," Derek chuckled. "So, whatever you are feeling right now, you don't have to. Just talk to Zora." Piper sighed.

How? I hardly see her. She doesn't even want to sleep in our room. Our last real conversation was in the cave...our last real conversation was in the cave? What the hell? This is all my fault! I have been side-lining my friendship with Zora to include Vivian. Why?!

"It's not all your fault. And it doesn't have to last." Piper looked at Derek again. "You can fix this. Just talk to Zora."

She hates me. She has every right to hate me. Even after assuring me, she wasn't moving out, I snapped at her about spending the night with her boyfriend. I would love to have a boyfriend as caring and supportive, and protective as Bryce.

Derek nodded feeling Piper look at him, longing for a boyfriend as much as she wanted to fix the relationship with Zora. The lust for him coming off her like waves. Derek groaned, making some space between them, slightly feeling himself get heated as well. Piper blushed just thinking about how handsome Derek looked if he kissed her. How she wanted him to care for her like Bryce obviously cares for Zora.

"Zora needs her best friend back. Her breakdown needs to be watched and looked after. She can't keep holding in all that pain. She's a mess. So, I think you just need to be more aware of the decisions you are making," Derek said. "There are so many best friends who don't talk to each other for months at one end but when they do, nothing has changed. But those relationships have tremendous trust in them. Talk to Zora, share with her how you are feeling. What you both need to work on and change to be better friends. It is what you want, right?"

Piper nodded repeatedly. "Good. Right now, she is on her first date with Bryce. The excitement levels on Zora were through the roof," Derek chuckled.

Even Derek knows my best friend better than I do, Piper thought sadly.

"Don't be sad Piper."They both got up. Derek put his arms around Piper and hugged her."Everything will be alright." Derek smiled at Piper and left. Piper squealed alittle and went to her dorm to apologize to Zora. 

We are highly close to the end now. Just one more small arc left. 


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