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Lightning Bolt - The bolt of lightning is a traditional symbol of sudden illumination and the destruction of ignorance; it also represents a punishment of humans by the gods from the skies.

The Polo game was going on in full force. Led by Bryce Cullen. He was the captain of his blue 4-player team as he was facing Demetri's red team. In any Polo game, the game is played on horseback between two teams of four players each who use mallets with long, flexible handles to drive a wooden ball down a grass field and between two goal posts. It is the oldest of equestrian sports. 

Bryce was chasing after the ball when a loud booming rumble of thunder filled the field. Everyone jumped in fear as the winds picked up with the thunder. A loud crack of lightning hit the field, as a lightning bolt came down just as Bryce was about to hit the ball. Bryce's horse, Colt, lifted on its back legs in fear, nearly rocking Bryce off his horse, as he held on.

Zora appeared just as the lightning bolt left. Zora's eyes locked with what was the most handsome young man she has ever seen. His dark eyes bore into her soul, along with the mallet about to strike her head. Zora's hands flew up to protect herself, residual electric strikes flew from her hands, sending Bryce flying off his horse and to the ground. Zora fell to her knees as she felt power drained from her. Her hands pressed into the still smoking and fiery corn circle symbol that appeared when she appeared in the field. It was like the stamp left behind when Thor in "Avengers: Age of Ultron" left behind when he left Earth back to Asgard.

Bryce quickly straightened up on the ground. He stood up and rushed over to the fallen girl but ran into a barrier blocking any attack. He could finally smell her. So tasty. Bryce had to hold back a moan at the smell of her. He so desperately wanted to drain her without any hesitation. Bryce of course is extremely taken back by the shield blocking him. Zora looks up again and gasped again at his appearance as he stands over her from her seat on the ground. He looks like the mythical Greek god, Adonis. His facial features can only be described as perfect and angular—high cheekbones, a strong jawline, perfect eyebrows, a straight nose, and full lips. His untidy hair keeps the unusual bronze shade like the young man in her sex dream just hours ago. His eyes, black, staring down at her. Zora could only shiver as: his eyes darken looking at her, becoming more onyx black, and purple bruise-like shadows appear beneath his eyes. Bryce stands at 6'2" and has a thin and lanky but muscular body. Zora felt a tiny piercing pain trying to hit her over and over, but somehow it was blocked.

"Where am I?"

"Who are you?" Bryce asked sternly, glaring down at Zora.

"It's her!" Piper said running onto the field. "That's the girl! She is the girl from my dreams! She is the one to bring Hell Fire!" Zora looked at the tiny girl running at her before looking back at the handsome young boy standing over her. She could still feel something prickling at her head. Bryce stared down at Zora hard. He frowned as Zora stared back at him, her eyes wide. A teacher came to the field in a blur, having moved so fast Zora's eyes didn't catch it.

"Sleep!" A cloud of powder engulfed Zora's face from out of nowhere. Zora's eyes rolled back as she passed out.

"A human here in Cullen Falls!"

"How did she get past the magical barriers all around the school?" 

"She came in the lightning bolt! She is not human!"

"No human can travel by lightning. Lightning is too unpredictable!" 

"You saw it! Everyone saw it! She came in a lightning bolt."

"Did anyone else see how she knocked Bryce Cullen on his ass. I mean even Felix and Demetri couldn't do that."

Zora could hear voices around her. She couldn't move, though her mind was awake. Zora tried to force her body, arms, a finger to move, but nothing.

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