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Warning: Action and mild gore? 


Vivian was walking along the school lake when she noticed a bottle drifting towards her. She kneeled and caught the bottle in her hand. She dusted the bottle with her glove hands and looked around it trying to find a sense of it. She noticed the black swirl inside it and smirked. She stood up and went to the Mistress Margaret's office through Dawn Tower.

She was looking at the bottle trying to make sense of it when someone barged into her. Vivian groaned in pain and looked up to see who it was. It was Emmet. Vivian noticed the bottle in his hands and groaned again.

"Are you okay?" Emmet asked.

"No," Vivian said, "I probably have a concussion from hitting a vampire. I'll go to the nurse's office, could you please keep that bottle safe?"

"This one?" Emmet asked, pointing to the bottle in his hands.

Vivian nodded and made her way to the nurse's office.

Emmet frowned but nodded. It's just a bottle. Why does it matter so much to her?


Bryce was battling the Djinn. A Djinn is an evil genie that takes wishes with deadly consequences. Bryce agreed to have Piper and Zora join him because Piper was insistent the Djinn was an easy capture. She had seen the monster with Scott. Djinns are powerful creatures that are capable of great feats. Once captured, they are then bound to the captor and must fulfil three wishes. Scott realized early on what was trapped inside the bottle. It was a Djinn, but instead of destroying it. He decided to free it and make a wish instead.

Scott made a wish to be able to eat an unlimited supply of donuts. And quickly found out. All wishes come with some fault. Bryce was blasted back by air by the Djinn teleportation blast as Scott stuffed donut after donut into his mouth. Vivian had fire in her hands and said, "Maybe I should fire at him?"

"I can't stop!" Scott chomped down on the donuts.

"No! That will kill Emmet as well!" Violet shrieked.

Vivian absorbed her fire back inside and said, "What do we do?"

"Zora, Piper, go help Bryce," Derek said, going to Emmet. Derek pressed his hand against the ground to bring up vines from the Earth that went after Scott's arms to stop him from shoving more donuts into his mouth. "Violet, headlock!" Violet nodded, jumping on the back of Scott. "New girl, find the bottle!"

"My name is Vivian!"

"I can't stop!" Scott said, still eating.

"Scott shit, control yourself!" Violet yelled, locking Scott in a headlock.

Zora helped Bryce up from the ground. Piper sent off an extreme blinding light to block the Djinn from sending off another attack blast at Bryce.

"How do we kill a Djinn?" Zora asked, holding Bryce's arm.

"Fuck! Fighting a djinn is extraordinarily difficult. They can fling off spells in an instant that the most accomplished witches could never cast with years of preparation. If it creates a storm or hurricane, we are fucked." Zora nodded. "You got to stun it, Zora. Lightning bolt its ass. I will flank it."

"Ok." Zora rushed forward and held her hands out. "It's fast!" Zora missed with her blots.

"Concentrate!" Zora watched as the Djinn moved like air through the woods. She sent off another blast of lightning, but it hit a tree before she was sent backwards by a wind gust.

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