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First day jitters - nervousness and anxieties of starting out at a new school.

Zora was brought to the library bookstore in the morning to get her books since she couldn't borrow Piper's books. Zora looked over her list of classes. She gasped.

"Piper!" Zora hissed.

"Oh goodie, the list of clubs has been posted. It's a good thing you have only missed a month of school. We also have several clubs. Honor Council is impossible to join, only elites." Zora held up her list of classes at Piper.

"This is impossible! I have 12 classes!"

"Don't worry, these classes are for the whole year, you will get graded like everyone else next summer."

"But 12!"

Legacies: Origins of Species
Physical Education
Math History
Life of Lycanthropy: Wolves
Fern Garden: Fairies
Ancient Runes and Language
Advanced Civics
Physics and Science
Cosmos of Witchcraft: Conjuring

Zora looked over the list of classes again, still amazed, and finally feeling those first day jitters.

"And I'm pretty sure you will be dropping Life of Lycanthropy and Fern Garden: Fairies once it's proven you are no werewolf or fairy, though I hope you won't since I have the same fae class," Piper said.

Zora looked up to see Bryce Cullen walking into the library. Zora wished she could look over herself in a mirror. She was dressed in a white blazer with black trim and pockets, a white shirt, black tie, and black tennis skirt with white trim. She had on white knee-high socks and black shoes. She was sure she didn't look as good as the other girls here. Zora watched people passing her by. Some girls were in the same white blazer jacket with black trim and pockets, a white shirt, but red plaid tie and red plaid tennis skirt. Some girls in a black blazer jacket with white trim, white shirt, black tie, and black tennis skirt. Some girls in the same black blazer jacket with white shirt, red plaid tie and red plaid tennis skirt.

Bryce followed most of the guys in the halls. The guys were only dressed in just 2 types of suits, one suit with a white blazer and black trim like Zora's blazer, white shirt, black tie, and black pants, while other guys were in black blazers with white trim, white shirt, black tie, and black pants. Bryce was in white blazer and black pants like Zora, but he had several pins on his jacket lapel.

"Hello Zora, good morning." He politely said.

"Uh yeah, good morning to you too." Bryce continued. Piper smiled.

"Look at you two, good friends."

"I wouldn't go that far. What's with all the pins?" Zora asked Piper.

"Oh, on his jacket. Depending on the clubs you are in, and your power decide your pins. You are special, so I can see you getting a few pins before the end of the year."

"Why are some girls in red skirts?"

"Oh, seniors get to wear red skirts in their final year, along with prefects get red skirts, but most just wear black skirts unless they want to stand out. I will take you to your first class." Zora and Piper left for Zora's first class. "Now, here is a map. Just follow the steps. It's a program to activate and show you around your classes until you know the way." Zora took the piece of paper from Piper. "Good luck!"

Zora walked into her first classroom, a small lump in her throat. There were 4 rows of desks with about 10 or more students already inside, chatting, some sitting on top of desks. Dr Eleazer looked up from pulling out some stacks of papers.

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