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Luther was looking under his microscope. He frowned.

"That's not human..." Luther went to his supernatural book. He crossed the liquid with a few elements on the charts. "This is a ghoul..." Luther went back to some samples and looked at it again under his microscope. He frowned. Luther looked over the vial of Zora's blood he was still sampling and testing. He had tested and tested it as Zora's power increases month after month. It was looking more rarer than human blood ever could. Luther only had Bryce as the next with rarest blood and DNA in the school. Zora was changing. Her DNA is evolving. Into what? Luther had no idea. Luther picked up his phone.

"Hello, Administrator Cullen, how may I help you."

"Margaret, there is a ghoul on campus."


"Someone is pretending to be someone else. I just tested the liquid goo and skin sheds. It's a ghoul." Margaret frowned.

"A ghoul is not all that powerful for a monster to be sent here unless..."

"The ghoul is a spy," Luther said, finishing Margaret's thought. The lights above Luther's started to flicker before an earthquake shook the room as a major blast just hit the school.

"Carl---" Luther looked at the phone as the line was cut.

Zora punched the bottle wall for what felt like the hundredth time.

"Zora please..." Piper rubbed her temples.

"I am trying to save us!"

"I know and I appreciate it. But I have a headache. I am getting a jumble of visions."

"You are?"

"Yeah, but it's when you press the skip button on a tv remote and fast forwards. I can't pinpoint anything, it's just so random, yet bad."

"Bad? Why?"

"I see fire, a lot of fire and...the school is under attack and..." Piper looked up at Zora. She couldn't say it. She couldn't say she saw Zora dead. Zora looked into Piper's eyes. She figured whatever Piper saw it was bad. And tragic. "Many people will die."

Zora groaned. A surge of rage filled her like nothing ever before. She couldn't have anyone die while she is locked away. While she can help. Zora punched the wall again with all the power she held deep down. Piper and Zora looked at a tiny crack appearing. They gasped. Piper jumped up.

"What did you do?"

"I don't know."

"Well do it again!" Piper chuckled.

Piper and Zora locked hands as Zora was finally able to break the bottle, releasing themselves from the bottle with a major explosion. Piper and Zora found themselves in the middle of the forest. Above their heads, they heard and saw the roar of winged beasts flying above them, away from the school. Piper gasped.

"Was that a..." Piper shook her head.

"That looked like a dragon."

"No way, dragons haven't been seen in thousands of years."

"We have to get back to school."

"Zora wait..."

"What?" Zora looked at Piper. "Piper, we have to get back to the school and stop Vivian." Piper nodded. She could see Zora's lifeless body if they went back to school. She couldn't shake that vision.

Piper and Zora arrived to find the school amid a major battle. Students were fighting back at the monsters, while other students were running away. Zora caught a young witch who was being chased by an ogre. Piper blinded the beast with glitter bombs of lights before Zora took the ogre down with a lightning bolt.

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