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What Rachel said to Ross...

Dear Students,

Due to all the stress left behind by the Sirens in the school this year, I have decided to extend winter break for two weeks early. But before that, we will have the annual educational school trip of the year to the grand museum of African History and Magic. Any students interested to see The Egyptian Museum Tour from the African School of Magic the weekend before spring break begins, please contact Administrator Amun, who will host us the students this year. Students please be sure to give your names to staff after your parents or sires agree. Bryce Cullen, you don't get a choice you are going this year, along with the group.

Administrator Cullen.

Bryce sighed and stopped reading the letter he received from his mother. He looked at his friends and they were all grinning.

"Free Vacation!!" Zora and Emmet shouted at once and started to dance around.

Derek and wolves whooped and joined their little dance party. Violet didn't say anything and just watched her friends dance like idiots.

"What's going on?" asked a timid voice from the door.

The squad turned their heads to see Vivian standing there.

"Didn't you get a notice?" Bryce asked.

"The trip? Yeah, I did," Vivian said, stepping forward to enter the gym. The gym was a common place for the super squad to hangout. Zora crossed her arms and went to stand beside Derek. She made an easy friendship with Derek after they trained together. They made it into a regular thing and they both kicked each other's butt on a regular basis.

What is she doing here? Zora thought.

"So, you all are going?" Vivian asked excitedly.

"Yeah," Paul said. "The Super Squad doesn't get a choice but to go, so we all are going. Oh man I can't wait! I am going to hook up with some hot Egyptian women."

Everybody rolled their eyes at Paul.

Vivian pursed her lips and nodded. "Well then I'll see you all on the trip! Violet, Piper, you want to go shopping with me?"

Piper and Violet looked at each other and grimaced a little. They didn't like each other but they liked spending time with Vivian.

"Sure, why not!" Piper said, enthusiastically and Violet muttered her consent.

"Great! Are you guys free now?" Vivian asked.

Violet nodded and smiled at her. "I just need to change my shoes if I am going to go shopping."

"Are you ready, Piper?"

Piper nodded and then looked at Zora. Zora's hands were tightly made into a fist, and she was gritting her teeth. She totally forgot about inviting Zora but then Zora looked at Piper.

"You can come too. I know you don't like shopping..."

"It's fine, I have a make-up test and Bryce wanted to show me some spells." Piper nodded. They both smiled at each other. Zora sighed and made shooing away gestures. Piper blew Zora a small air kiss and went with Vivian.

"I'll be back later," Violet said and gave Emmet a kiss.

The trio left, followed by everyone else. 


"Let's fight," Derek said, and two fight sticks came flying to Zora as she walked into the training gym. She finished her make-up test by Professor Carmen when Bryce called her to the training gym. She caught the stick with ease from Derek and tied her shirt in a knot at her side. Zora had a black Nike sports bra underneath it and she got to the training mat. She twirled her stick as got in an offensive position. Derek sensed how low key pissed she was and got in defensive. Zora let her emotions guide her as she relentlessly attacked Derek. Derek expected that and quickly maneuverer his stick against Zora's and it went flying out of her hands. She staggered back and looked where her stick landed. She looked back at him and prepared for hand-to-hand combat. She defended herself from Derek's attack and kicked his arms. She rolled to the side and back kicked Derek's stick, so it went flying out of his hands.

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