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Spa - finding health through cleansing and water.

Ex Factor - a former partner in a relationship

Zora and Piper go back to the dorm room after lunch once Luther checks over Zora one last time. He confirmed that she could go to classes starting tomorrow morning. Zora couldn't believe Dr Luther was simply another human. He looks more like a model than a doctor. He has collar-length blond hair, is 6'2", with a well-toned medium frame, gentle blue eyes. Zora could only describe Luther as looking like a modern classic movie star. She could see why many nurses cannot concentrate on their work while he is around. Luther is slight but muscular and has a slight English accent. 

Piper mentioned Dr Luther and Headmistress Margaret were somewhat together, possibly, probably, but it was secret. Only a few knew, since they tend not to act like a couple in public, keeping things private.

"Ok, why don't you go shower and get ready for bed," Piper said.

"I don't have any PJs with me," Zora looked down, embarrassed.

"It's ok, I always have more clothes than I need, and my pink shower caddy is in the shower stall, feel free to use everything and anything in it from body wash to shampoo and conditioner. I know you used the hand soap in the sink this morning. You could use my stuff. I think I have a new puff around here somewhere." Piper pulled out a fresh pair of VS blue Henley cotton top with blue and pink plaid flannel pants. She ripped off the price tags and handed them to Zora. She held up a silver and blue puff loofah.

"Thanks. I will pay you back somehow," Zora said, gratefully.

"No problem, I will set up everything for you when you get back," Piper smiled.

"Set up what?"

"Your makeover of course! Spa Sundays!" Zora frowned. "Oh, trust me! You are going to love it!"

Zora returned, feeling fresh and clean. Piper had a modern black chaise lounge chair set up waiting for Zora. It was still early in the evening, just after 7, though Zora felt completely drained. She was wiping her wet hair. Piper forced Zora into the chair. She took over squeezing more water out of Zora's hair. With a snap of her fingers, candles were lit around the dorm room.

"So, first, I will fix your hair so you won't have to fuss tomorrow or all week for that matter, then I will do your facial, and your nails."

"Nails? Facial? Piper, that is unnecessary. Seriously, I don't need this." Zora said.

"Nonsense, I am happy to do it. Just relax. It will go faster if you do." Zora rolled her eyes. Piper started combing Zora's long hair. "I miss long hair."

"I like your hair, it suits you." Piper smiled.

"I know right!" Piper completely detangled Zora's hair. "Oh, you're going to stand out so much once I am done with you."

"Uh Piper, I really don't want to stand out," Zora said.

"Zora, everyone knows you're here. They saw what you did on the field against Bryce. And I know everyone felt what you did tonight at dinner. I still got goosebumps. Trust me, tomorrow, you want to look good," Piper said, knowingly.

"But I don't..."

"Oh please, Zora, you're gorgeous."

"But I'm not."

"You really don't see yourself." Piper opened her vanity drawer and pulled out some hair serum after she squeezed enough water. She quickly ran the blow dryer through Zora's head before applying more oil and braiding up Zora's hair with strips of cloth and wrapping her head with a silk scarf.

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