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P/S: This is an extra long chapter, it could get boring but please do make it till the end. 


Running - activity of moving fast on foot, from something or someone

Zora had packed her rucksack in secret. She was going to leave while everyone was still asleep. Zora dressed in a short grey sleeve top with knot front, blue denim jeans, and her black Converse sneakers. She slipped on her blue jacket. Zora could hear music playing early in the morning. Zora took a wrong turn and found herself in the music room with Bryce. He didn't stop playing and said, "You are leaving?"

"I don't belong here."

"Zora, this place was made for you." Bryce stopped playing and looked at her.

"It's been a week, Bryce and no one can tell what I am, who my parents's like I'm an..." She couldn't finish.


"You too?" Zora was surprised Bryce understood. She went and sat beside him.

"I am not like anyone else here too."

"You're beautiful like a vampire and..."

"And strong and fast like a werewolf. Plus, I can do magic like a witch, but I am neither vampire or werewolf or witch. I am all three."

"A tribrid? Is that even possible?"

"I am here, so yes. Hybrids are not uncommon, but a tribrid is one of a kind."

Bryce Cullen resulted from an incredibly unique heritage. He is the world's first werewolf-witch-vampire hybrid. He inherited his werewolf gene from his father, Enrique, while his mother Elizabeth who was a second-generation vampire and witch hybrid. Elizabeth was a witch-vampire hybrid for over 500 years before she met the wolf Enrique and fell in love. With Bryce's mother's legacy coming from her grandmother who created the original vampire spell and the granddaughter of the Original Witch, his bloodline is the strongest at the school. Bryce is also a part of the Crescent wolfpack lineage, the oldest clan, which makes Bryce a werewolf royalty too.

Bryce's mother, Elizabeth was only able to conceive a baby due to her witch heritage with the help of her twin sister's witch powers. No vampire, male, or female can normally produce a baby. Vampires can sire humans, even babies, but that human will remain the age once drinking human blood after transformation. Baby vampires were seen as unnatural and usually killed once the Volturi found out. Bryce wasn't killed because Elizabeth and Enrique hid their baby for 200 years. And Bryce wasn't like any other immortal baby or child. He didn't attack humans like most immortal babies, which was why Elizabeth and Enrique were able to hide him away for so long. Elizabeth loved having baby Bryce, though Enrique wished baby Bryce would grow. It took 100 years before baby Bryce was even able to sit up on his own... Another 100 years before he took his first walk or was able to speak words.

"So, you're an outlier?"

"Yeah." Bryce looked at Zora. "Vampires and werewolves for whatever reason aren't able to mate and produce babies. No vampire can conceive or birth a baby. But somehow my vampire-witch mother and werewolf father created me."

"I thought Principal, I mean Headmistress Margaret is your mother?"

"Adopted mother. Margaret knew my mother because she was my mother's sister. That's why I look so much like her. They were twins. Margaret is the most powerful witch in history alive today, but when my mother fell in love with a werewolf. Margaret and Elizabeth used their Gemini twin magic and powerful spells, maybe even a little dark demon magic to help my mother conceive with my father. At the time it was forbidden to blend the species since my mother was a vampire as well. I can remember even as being so young, always kept hidden, on the run from the guards. I was not meant to exist."

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