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Monster School - a place where monsters and supernatural attend a school to learn their monster and supernatural history properly and how to use their powers.

Piper holds Zora's arm as they walk down the halls of the school together. Zora looks around at the halls.

"What is this place really?" Zora asked, looking around. 

"There is no other place in the world for people like us. This is Cullen Falls Boarding School, Zora. You are in West Virginia, not Washington anymore," Piper replied. 

"What? People like us. Okay, just tell me how I travelled across the fucking US in the blink of an eye?" Zora demanded.

"No one knows, I mean you arrived by a freaking lightning bolt..." Piper replied.

"What?" Zora asked.

Piper went quiet. Piper shook herself and said, "Uh, that is something we can figure out later. Now, Cullen Falls Boarding School is kind of like Hogwarts but real life. We have some classes that you would find in any American School, but also classes you won't."

"Like what?" Zora asked, curiously. 

"Spell work." Piper shrugged. 

"Spell work?"

"Don't worry, first you are taking the Legacies course to get you started. Catch you up on all supernatural history you need to know to move forward. Every new student must take this class," Piper said.

"Wait, if by some small miracle I am like you, then how come I was not here before?" Zora asked, knowing that accidents followed her wherever she goes.

"Didn't you get your letter?"


"Yeah, that was your invitation. Everyone gets a letter to come to Cullen Falls Boarding School, even those who know all about magic and the ones who are naturally supernatural."


Zora passed a large bulletin board filled with flyers. One flyer mentioned a Spell work Study Group. Another flyer for the Basketball Club. Another flyer for Polo try-outs.

"Let me take you to our room first before Principal Margaret calls us," Piper said, pulling her away from the bulletin board. 

Piper and Zora walk ahead to stop at her lockers. There were hundreds of lockers in a row. Zora had never seen so many lockers. Piper grabbed some books after she muttered a spell in front of one locker and then the locker was snap shut. Piper sighed as she knew what was about to happen. Zora looked ahead and saw three blonde girls looking at Piper with contempt.

"Hello Piper," said blonde girl, number 1.

Piper ignored them and cocked her head to Zora, telling her to come along. The book flew out of Piper's hand and started to float around. Piper walks ahead to grab a book when Zora watches the group of girls knock Piper to the ground. All three of the blonde girls were smiling down at Piper.


Zora got annoyed and electricity snapped at all three of them, their perfect hairs going in all directions. They all looked horrified as they looked at each other. They tried to touch each other but pulled back as static electricity shocked them.

"Zora, it's okay," Piper said.

Zora snapped from her stupor and looked at Piper. The girls finally took aware of Zora's presence and walked away without saying anything. Possibly in fear.

"Who are they?" Zora asked, helping Piper up once the three blonde girls walked on.

"Oh, just my best friends."

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