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Supreme Mistress - a woman of highest status or power with ultimate control

'So, we are letting humans into the school now?' Bryce asked.

"Bryce, you know she is not human." Ms. M replied, looking through some papers.

"Luther says she is." Bryce folded his hands over his chest. 

"Her blood and genes might test humans, but you said so yourself, you could not read her." She responded, patiently.

"I may not know right now why she couldn't be compelled. Maybe it's some witch spell, she could have vervain." Bryce was really picking at straws now.

"We have been watching this girl for many years now, strange things happen very often around her. Many times, a magical surge comes in her presence, like the lightning she wielded. Besides, vervain hasn't been used in hundreds of years."

"Doesn't mean vervain doesn't still exist," he rolled his eyes. 

"What is wrong, my child?" Margaret touched Bryce's arms. Bryce sighed.

"I'm not a child!" he said. 

"What is it then?"

"I almost attacked her." Bryce admitted. 

"But you said a shield stopped you?" Margaret asked, confused. 

"I wanted to attack her Margaret. I have never wanted a human's blood so much before. I lost control..."


"I can't lose control like that, you know it. I can't ever go back to..." Margaret cut off Bryce when she noticed him stiffen up again after inhaling. Margaret smelled it as well. It was potent and powerful. And familiar.

Zora went to knock on the door of the Headmistress office when the knob turned on its own and the door opened. Margaret was talking to a young man. She smiled and turned to see Zora standing there in her doorway.

"Hello Zora."

"Uh hi."

"I will talk with you later Bryce." Bryce looked at Zora. Margaret placed her hand on Bryce's chest, forcing him to turn away from Zora. His eyes that were normally golden amber, or even green when he wants, are black as coal. Zora shivered. Bryce gave Zora one final glare before walking out another door to the side.

Margaret had the same pale, beautiful features as Bryce. Something about her heart-shaped face, her billows of soft, caramel colored hair reminded me of the ingenues of the silent-movie era. She was small, slender, yet less angular, more rounded than the others.

Physically, Margaret is the oldest member at the school, though she has been frozen at the age of 26. She reminded Zora of the ingenues of the silent-movie era and meeting her was like meeting a fairy tale queen, like Snow White, in the flesh. She has a heart-shaped face with a warm compassionate look, billows of soft caramel-colored hair, delicate eyebrows, and a small, slender figure that is less angular and more rounded compared to the rest of her family. 

Margaret became a full powerful witch not long after giving birth to her son. Most of the time her eyes are purple, as her witch ability flows often through her body, and sometimes her eyes are black.

Margaret is an extremely warm individual who is gifted with the ability to love the people around her passionately. She has always had strong maternal instincts, which is why she is able to open her heart so easily to oversee so many young supernatural. After the death of her firstborn son, she never wanted to lose a child again. 

Margaret is a truly kind and gentle person. The people around her are genuinely drawn toward her gentle personality, nobody likes to double cross her, if they do, they have no hope for redemption. She is also highly creative and artistic and enjoys renovating old properties. Throughout her years as a witch, she has studied and earned degrees in architecture, art, and photography.

"Well, let me be the second to welcome you into our school Miss Zora." Ms. Margaret said. 

"Just Zora." Zora looked at Ms. M office. 

"Well, just Zora, here is your welcome box." Margaret went over and picked up a small present. "Your uniform is inside."


"Yes, all students are required to wear their uniforms to classes," Principal Margaret said.

On the weekends and after-class hours, students can wear any manner of clothing that covers them completely enough that their sensitive parts are covered. However, when class is in session the school uniform is needed. It is a royal blue jacket with the Cullen family insignia 'C' on the right side of it, over a white button-down shirt. The requirements recently changed and there is no longer a minimum length to the plaid skirt that makes up the bottom of the school uniform. Girls are expected to wear neutral color, black, or white ballet flat shoes, though most wear high heels, and boys are expected to wear black dress shoes.

The students are taught a combination of magical and mortal classes. Students are prepared to function in either the Supernatural or the Mortal World depending on their interests in either one. They take the same standardized tests that any student must take, including college prep tests such as ACT and SAT. Zora looked at her stack of books. "Fantastic Beast", "Magical Theory & Transfiguration", "Most Potent Potions", "Legacies: A History of Magic" were among the few.

Most students live on campus full time outside of winter, spring, and summer breaks in the school schedule however parents can pick their child up at any time if they wish. Students who are suspended will be asked to return home to their parents until the suspension period has ended. On campus there are facilities equipped to handle Werewolves under a full moon. There are also residence areas and the memorial library on the grounds. The school is separated from the rest of the city by a wrought-iron gate bearing its name. This is to discourage locals from disproving their belief that this is just a school for troubled rich normal kids, which could get them hurt. 

Piper waited long enough for Zora to get ready before she knocked on the door.

"Is she done?" Piper asked, knowing the answer. 

"Yes, come in Piper. It is almost time for dinner, and I am sure Zora is hungry and will want to get a good night of sleep after a long day. Also, make sure Zora stops by to see Dr. Luther for one final check-up before you head to classes," Margaret said, smiling. 

"Of course, Headmistress. I will take her right now." Piper shook her head respectfully and taking Zora to the cafeteria. 

"Well, is this the new student?" A man asked.

"Dr Eleazar meet Zora. She dropped in this afternoon. Literally." Piper joked. 

"Hello." Professor Eleazar is 5'11" tall, with black hair up to his collar. He has purple eyes much like Headmistress Margaret, Zora noticed. He was a mighty strong warlock. Spanish is his native language, though he has studied and learned all the languages around the world. He is old. Not as old as Margaret but has lived many lifetimes.

"Hi." Zora waved politely. 

"I am Dr Eleazar Garcia. I teach Legacies, our history classes here. This is my wife, Carmen. You will get to know her better in your courses as well."

"Hello Zora, what a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Carmen hugged her. Zora smiled even though Carmen's vampire red eyes should have scared it. Zora felt safe and warm despite the hard ice-cold stone body Carmen has.

Must be a vampire thing, Zora thought. 


Well we have 50 views so that is something... But please don't be shy, send some form of love my way, it would really encourage and make my day... Maybe even so much that I would update a snippet of the coming arcs...


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