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Sirens - A group of magical creatures originating from Greek mythology. They are comparable to other mythical creatures such as mermaids and harpies in that they are demi human beings possessing both avian and fish traits and reside on the ocean. They are the warriors of the sea.

Margaret was in her office, running the spell to find more magical students for the school. Not because the students here are less by any means, but because she wanted to help the lost and confused. She opened her eyes and a soft breath escaped her and she looked down at the map. In the city of Los Angeles, a lot of spots lit up. That means there are a lot of children there who need help. She cleaned up and went to see her fiancé.

"Knock, Doc," she teased Luther, as she stood at his office. Luther looked up from his work, looking under a microscope and smiled, "Hello my darling." Margaret came over and softly kissed his lips.

"Did you find something?" Luther asked her, placing her on his lap.

"I did," Margaret said, leaning into his side.

Margaret loved moments like these. When it was only him. No rogue students, no deep cave in the mountains, no monsters, just him and her.

"I think there are some powerful creatures in Los Angeles," she sighed. "They kept turning over water, so I assume their natural power is water. I was thinking maybe we could make a trip out of it."

Luther sighed and said, "I would love to honey but the students will go rampant if we both leave. But you should go." Margaret nodded.

"You are right. The faculty is on edge since we found Zora. We still haven't figured out what she is. Have you been reading the story of fallen angels?"

"You believe Zora is an angel now?"

"Just something I was reading about. It's not like I have Angel blood to compare. The story of fallen angels. And she did say she saw a baby unicorn in the Whispering Woods. Piper said she saw a family of unicorns there as well. Who knew those were still alive?" Luther nodded. "And it is said angels and unicorns tend to come together, along with dragons and phoenixes."

"Zora is not a dragon. Her blood would be black like demons. And she would have more fire magic affinity right," Luther said.

"I am just reading old stories, from thousands of years ago."

"Well dear, half the faculty fear what she may become untrained with that much power, while the other half is asking to put her through more and more experiments." Luther said.

"She is still a student so no more testing. She will reveal who she is soon enough," Margaret said.

"I know," he said. "So, I said no." Margaret and Luther kiss softly. Margaret wraps her arms around Dr Luther's neck.

"So, when are you going to let me make an honest woman out of you?"

"Let you? Who is the powerful one here?" Luther chuckled.

"I'm just saying honey, I am not getting any younger. We have been secretly engaged for a while. Let us make it public."

"Soon. Have you noticed how close Bryce and Zora are getting? You think you could have the speech with him?"

"He's old enough to know everything honey. He's older than me!"

"Yes, mentally he has been around for more years than his age, but physically Carl...he's still a 17-year-old boy, my baby boy."

Margaret did not know what to feel. On one hand she felt ecstatic that Bryce did not feel lonely, and he had someone to rely on. And Zora seems to be getting better because of Bryce. On the other she was scared, not for herself, but for her school. Something was coming. She just didn't know how bad that something was.

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