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Meltdowns - a breakdown of self-control (as from fatigue or overstimulation)

Zora sighed, taking the dagger with her as she went outside. Everybody knows that Zora's dagger burned anyone who touched it without her permission. The dagger burned Margaret when she tried to take it from her and put it in a vault to "protect Zora" from dark magic.

Zora felt the magic pulsing around the dagger as her emotions went on a rampage with it. The dagger always senses evil or a monster nearby. Zora ran outside to get away before she hurt someone with the extra surge of electric powers. She quickly ran to the woods and before she screamed. The clouds darkened and lightning thundered all around her. The air rushed around Zora as a small tornado formed around her. Zora stopped screaming but her emotions were still out of control. There was a little lightning inside the tornado as Zora kept getting frustrated. She was frustrated at Vivian, Margaret, herself.

Shouldn't Margaret know and try to stop this dark magic that keeps coming to me? I feel this darkness inside me. I must fight every single day to keep it at bay. Why me? Why is there darkness there? Zora thought frantically to herself. Zora screamed one more time and then she let out everything she had in her. All her dark thoughts and negative energy left her in a circle in every direction. A grey magic left her in a circle. Zora sighed and fell to her knees in the woods. The weather cleared up and everything went back to normal.

Zora panted and lied down on the grass. She lied down to her side and saw grass up close. She was so tired of fighting. For whom is she fighting for? Zora closed her eyes and slept.


Bryce was packing when he saw the dark clouds appearing in the woods. The wind started to howl, and a small tornado came towards the edge of the woods. Zora was having trouble keeping it in. Bryce rushed towards the woods when Derek came and stopped him.

"You have to let her do this!" Derek said, stopping Bryce.

"I can help her!" Bryce protested.

"Listen man, what are you going to do? Ask her to breathe and keep it in? How long do you think she can do that for?" Derek asked. "Bryce when you had the pressure built up you went on a killing rampage for fifty years. Meditation and fighting can only help so much... Sometimes you just need to scream."

Bryce listened to Derek and sighed. Maybe Derek is right. He should let Zora do this. Bryce nodded and they both went to the edge of the forest to wait for Zora.

The tornado slowed down, and the weather cleared up. Bryce breathed out a sigh of relief and waited for Zora to come out. Derek frowned when Zora didn't come out for an hour.

"Ok, something might be wrong now. We need to go and find her," Derek said. Derek closed his eyes, and his bow and arrows came to him. He quickly drew an arrow and looked at Bryce.

Bryce nodded and they both went inside the woods to find Zora.

Her footprints were not deep, that means she was light on her feet. Running. They followed her footprints to see that they were not that far into the forest. They found her lying down on the ground.

"Zora!" Bryce shouted and rushed to see her.

He gently turned her body and she snuggled close to him. Bryce sighed when he realised that there was nothing wrong with her. He hugged her to his chest and took a deep breath. He picked her up and they both started to walk back to the towers. Derek parted ways to get to his tower and Bryce carried her to his room. Bryce heard Piper and Vivian were talking about the upcoming trip, packing, and having a blast after returning from a shopping trip. He felt angry. Piper is supposed to be Zora's best friend. No wonder Zora spends most of her time studying or alone in the woods.

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