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Suspicious - cautious distrust about someone or something

Zora watched Vivian leave for class. Zora sighed. Piper looked at her after applying eye shadow.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Piper could see what Zora was about to confess.

"You're not jealous right? I mean, we can all be friends?"

"Piper, please! That is not what this is about? I just don't trust her. Remember how she tried to tell you I was dating Derek?! She is always trying to pick a fight with me or something. Don't you sense something is off about her?"


"Are you telling me you haven't gotten any bad feelings around her?"

"No," Piper said. She paused. Thinking for a moment. "Honestly, I haven't had a vision about Viv since she has arrived."

"Is that weird?"

"Completely. I always have visions, even about the Fates. Maybe you're right. Maybe something is off about her. But that doesn't exactly mean she's evil Zora. And you should try to remember how everyone shunned you at first when you first came and have a bit more compassion for Vivian. It's not easy moving to a new school."


Zora and Bryce ended up having a tiny disagreement when Zora started crackling while around Vivian again. Zora mentioned how she senses something off with Garrett as well. She didn't know why her powers were always heightened around them, maybe it was a sign. A bad warning. Bryce kept telling Zora she had nothing to worry about. Bryce had trained under Garrett for nearly a decade. Garrett was a trained monster hunter which is why Margaret gave him the mighty spectre he carries around. He doesn't use magic like a warlock so there is no way he is evil.

"I don't know why this keeps happening Bryce, but I promise you it means something," Zora said after Bryce pulled her away from Garrett when she started crackling.

"You're being silly."

"Piper said she hasn't had any visions of Vivian since she arrived."


"SO! Piper said she always gets visions, but she can't with Vivian. Why do you think that is?"

"I don't know! Maybe because there is nothing to see. Nothing dangerous."

"I don't think so. I think Vivian has purposely stayed out of Piper's visions because she's up to something."

"Why would she be up to something?" Bryce asked. "She even helped us track that monster last week. Without her, we wouldn't have found it in time."

"Maybe that's how she gets in."

"Zora, you're being paranoid."

Zora kicked a low branch. Bryce and Vivian seemed to fight together while taking down that monster that night. Zora watched as Bryce helped Vivian up with his hand, and Vivian just continued to stare at him with loving eyes she knew every girl does. Zora felt a rush of jealousy, and when she touched a tree, it exploded.

"I am not paranoid. Something is definitely up with that girl," Zora whispers to herself. She decided to train alone. She was practicing combo spells to take down opponents with a fury of offensive attack. Over the last few weeks, Zora's spell casting probably only revived a few other students who had the same amount of training. Of course, that was thanks to Bryce. He never let her slide or give up even when she felt hopeless and out of control. He was a guiding force, encouraging her to be better, be even stronger than him.

Zora heard a crack in the tree behind her. She paused mid-incantation. Black eyes stared back at her.

"Demon." Zora said after recognizing the black eyes. The monster snarled before charging. Zora was about to attack when a silver rope from out of nowhere wrapped around her. Zora gasped as the silver rope turned sparkling and shocked her. She let out of a scream. The demon smiled.

"Not so strong now."

The demon watched Zora fall to her knees and fall forward. As the demon raised his hand to strike, Zora's head shot up, white clouded eyes staring back, causing the demon to pause and step back.

"What are you?" Zora let out a scream and uncrossed her arms, breaking the rope having absorbed the dark energy powering herself up. She raised up slowly, standing filled with demonic lightning circling her body. The demon couldn't even move as she pulled the demon's heart from its chest. The demon fell to its knees. Zora pulled out the dagger and stabbed the heart. She caught the heart on fire from her hand. The heart turned ash before she crushed the heart in her hand. Ashes fell from her hand as the heart blew away with the wind. Zora watched the demon monster turn to grey before it fell over.

"Still trying to figure that one out." Zora stepped over the monster and walked on.

The master and the spy exchanged a look as they were hidden together in the shadows. "We must figure out a way to get that dagger from her," The Master said. "Stick close to her. I need that dagger." The Spy nodded.

Bryce was practicing some magic when Zora found him.

"I was in the woods when I found a demon..."

"The woods? Zora, I told you now is not the time to be in the woods alone!"

"I was fine. I mean a silver rope did appear out of nowhere and tried to trap me..."

"Silver rope?"

"Yeah, but I was able to break it."

"A silver rope like this." Bryce said a quick incarnation and a silver rope wrapped around Zora. The silver rope didn't shock Zora, just bind her tightly.

"Yes!" Bryce snapped his fingers, and the rope broke and disappeared in flash.

"Then there was a witch around. A demon won't think to bind its victims. Just attack. Where is the Demon now?"

"I kind of turned it into ashes. But I swear, that demon felt familiar. Like the one you fought for a few days."

"You mean the one Garrett killed?"


"No way, that demon was destroyed by Garrett. I saw it die with my own eyes. Come, let's train." 


Much love guys <3... 


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