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Bryce and Zora were running around for almost two hours when, Bryce stopped in front of the familiar cave. He looked around it and saw it was exactly like the one he saw in Piper's drawing. It had a dark entrance and no wildlife around it in a clear boundary. He shimmied a little and nudged Zora to come down.

She giggled at him and got down.

"This is the cave, isn't?" she excitedly asked. "Oh, thank God, we finally found it!"

Bryce took Zora's backpack and went behind some bushes to shift back. He tried not to make painful sounds because it hurt like a bitch. He sighed when he was on his two feet again and wore his clothes. He came outside to see Zora dancing around the cave.

"We finally found it!" she jumped on his arms and kissed him. His arms went around her as they made out.

"We have to tell the others!" she gasped and made a thunderbolt appear in the sky. It boomed across the forest alerting their friends about their location. She sat down on the grass and played with it.

"I thought you wouldn't have waited to go in?" Bryce asked Zora as he sat down.

"Piper said if I go alone, I die," she said. "She specifically said that if she goes then, I won't, so I am waiting for her and then I am going in."

Bryce put his head in his hands and sighed. Being a leader with all Super Squad stuff was making him tired. He loved taking down monsters, but it wasn't something he wanted to do for the rest of his immortal life. Bryce looked at Zora and saw how easily she fit into this role. He wondered if this was something she wanted to do forever. Emmet and Violet came first to their location and then looked at the cave.

"This is it?" Violet asked, sitting next to Zora.

Zora nodded as she looked at Violet.

"Hopefully at the end of this cave we will have a weapon to deal with whatever comes next," Zora said to Violet, and she nodded.

"Hopefully," Violet replied as Seth and Derek came to the cave. Seth shifted and wore his clothes that Derek was carrying.

They waited for a few more minutes and Piper and Liam came. When everyone was ready, they stepped just outside the cave. The cave was small and only two people could enter at a time. Piper made a fireball and made it go inside the cave. The fireball travelled a few meters when it disappeared. No signs of monsters or boobytraps could be seen.

"Only Zora and I can go in," Piper said. Everyone looked at her and protested.

"We came all this way just to stay outside?" Paul cried out.

"Who will the hell protect you two?!" Bryce said.

"You two can't go alone," Liam said.

"Absolutely not!" Violet said. "I'm coming too!"

"Everybody shut up!" Piper said. They all quieted down and listened to her.

"If all of you come with us, we find nothing!" she started. "If the boys come with us, we die because they can't keep their opinions to themselves, and we will get lost and run into cave monsters. The cave monster finds us, and Zora and I die. If Violet comes with us, we still get lost but due to the magic there. Zora and I are the only ones who come out alive and with a weapon."

They all looked at each other and then nodded. Bryce took Zora in his arms and said, "Be safe," before kissing her head. She nodded and kissed him back on the lips. Liam rushed forward before Piper and Zora walked to the entrance.

"Here, take this." Liam held up a wolf charm bracelet. "This has always brought me luck."

"Thanks." Zora took it. Zora and Liam hugged before she went in.

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