The Evening

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The air was very hot. All guests enjoyed themselves so much, dancing and drinking like crazy. The women wore their finest evening dress and beautiful jewelry. They looked lovely for this famous evening. Their hair had been done specially for the occasion. Most women wore dresses neckline quite revealing but nothing was falling into vulgarity. No matter the age, all women were all very elegant and laughed happily. They had fun, talking to each other regardless of social class or competition, which normally separated everyone.

The men were also very elegant in their beautiful black suit adorned with a bow. They walked casually, one hand behind their back, nodding whenever they passed near a woman. Some were holding a glass of champagne in hand while others chatted quietly. Again, the class does not exist, or even politics or business. Most single men attending the evening were a very good match for a young girl of good family. Even if the class seemed non-existent at the moment, many alliances were formed in a low voice. Fathers were seeking the best of the best for their daughter, niece or even their own sister.

Tonight, everything was possible.

The mansion which gave the prestigious reception was enlightened by its elegance and distinction. Chandeliers illuminated the grand ballroom specially arranged for the occasion. Everything seemed perfect.

Most guests danced happily. Not him. He walked quietly among the people who were talking. He looked all over the room with his blue eyes. He especially did not like this kind of party, but he had to admit that the most beautiful women were there. He walked up the large hall, speaking with anyone. When he deigned to approach a woman, a man walked quickly to meet the lady. He sighed, tired of the evening. Only one thing was holding him, but he could not find it. His plan did not work quite as he wished. Yet everything promised well until now. Unfortunately, things began to escalate. He raised his head, watching the dancers. He wondered what he was still doing there. He no longer felt out of place. Women were perhaps beautiful, but totally devoid of flavor or already coveted by another. He thrust his hands in his pockets, sighing again. He refused to return empty-handed, but he had to prepare himself. There was no one with some potential. He made a movement toward the exit.

At that moment, he saw her in a corner of the ballroom.

She knew no one. Alone in this place, she drank a glass of champagne slowly, observing the people around her. No, nobody knew who she was, but she left no one indifferent. She knew the men followed her gaze after her passage. A faint smile touched her lips just thinking about it. She lifted her dress a few inches to climb the marble staircase. Her dark green dress sported a rather revealing neckline highlighting her pendant. The stone enthroned in the center shone bright red. Few strands crimped her long black hair down freely over her shoulders slightly exposed. No expression reflected on her pretty pale face. She quickened her pace when she caught a very interesting conversation. She put her glass on a tray and turned around.

She saw him at that moment.

He walked slowly toward her. He seemed determined not to miss his chance this time. She gave a slight smile. He noticed that she was watching too. Nobody rushed on her like the other times. No man was blocking the way, but he remained wary. When she was in front of him, the young woman held out her hand in a gracious gesture. He took her to lay a chaste kiss.

“Good evening,” she said in a honeyed voice.

“Good evening,” he replied, smiling at her.

He cast a quick glance around, making sure one last time nobody would come between him and the great beauty with a foreign accent. This encounter gave him confidence. He now had to curry the young woman’s favor. So he pulled out his catchy phrase that worked every time.

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