Life changes

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The sun was slowly going down on the horizon. The young woman watched him sleep, nostalgic. Her father was sleeping peacefully beside her. She heard a groan which took her out of her daydreaming.

“My dear,” her father said, weakly smiling at her.

“Do you feel better?”

“I want to talk to you, Isabelle.”

“About what?”

“Your future concerns me greatly. That is why I made certain decisions and arrangements for you.”

She frowned and asked him to tell her directly what he had in mind. He was seized with coughing which made him spit a lot of blood. Isabelle hastened to wipe his lips. When he finally caught his breath, he said in a hoarse voice:

“You’re getting married.”

She laughed.

“Stop joking!”

“But I’m serious. I want you to be happy.”

“But dad…”

Isabelle had just celebrated her twenty-second birthday. She was single, but there was no hurry. She didn’t intend to marry and she didn’t need help in her love life. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her father took her hand and pressed it against his heart.

“I want you to be happy with this man.”

“Dad, I’m not going to marry a stranger.”

“He’s perfect for you, darling. He’ll support the company you’ll inherit after my death and you can go back to university to continue your studies of art.”

“You’re meddling in my life!”

“Everything is arranged, my dear. Don’t worry.”

Isabelle quickly withdrew her hand and went to the window, mad with rage. Her father took really important decisions for her! It was her life!

* * * * *

Her luggage was finally ready. The only thing missing was the driver who was taking her back to New York. Her husband, Theodore Blackburn’s third of the name, sent her a message asking her to return home as soon as possible. Obviously it was an emergency. The young woman looked out the window, waiting for the driver. She secretly hoped a mechanical problem occurred and she couldn’t leave. Unfortunately for her, her wish wasn’t granted as the driver arrived at the building where she lived. Resigned, she came out, holding her suitcase. She handed it to the driver without smiling. He sighed.

“How was your week?” he asked in a kind tone.

She shrugged.

“Good. Thank you, Charles.”

“Your mother is waiting impatiently. It’s been a long time that you returned to the family house.”

“I know, but I’m very busy since the beginning of university.”

He thoughtfully shook his head. He understood exactly what she meant. The young woman just didn’t want to go home and see Theodore. Silence enveloped them on their way back to New York. She was deep in her thoughts. Arms crossed on her chest, she wondered why Theodore asked her to return as soon as possible. She questioned herself about the reason. She frowned, not understanding what he wanted. Is something happened to my mother? Or grandma’s sick? She shook her head and sighed. Her heart leapt in her chest when she saw the family house. The car went up the aisle made with finely cut slabs and stopped in front of the main door. Charles opened the door. The young woman smiled at him. She was only twenty-two years old and people around her treated her like a princess!

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