Why being in love

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It was almost dark. The sun was on the horizon, allowing the shadows to come out. A car rolled quietly on a deserted road. He approached a small city quite isolated. It seemed inhabited. He was exhausted. He rode all day and had eaten almost nothing. He wanted to take a shower and sleep before hitting the road again. He stopped the car in front of a small fast-food. He went out of the vehicle and entered the small restaurant. A woman of a certain age approached him and asked if she could take his order. She was very surprised when he said what he wanted to eat.

Then he took the newspaper that was lying on the counter and sat at a table. He read the news when his meal was brought to him. He learned that five people were killed at a party only two days ago. He read the entire article, very interested by the incident. Once finished, he closed the newspaper and threw a quick glance out the window. It was almost night. He heaved a deep sigh, rubbing his eyelids before devouring his meal.  Then he went to the counter to drop the newspaper and pay. He returned to his car. He started it and started to look for a room for the night.

The man standing before him at the reception of a small motel looked at him. He asked if he wanted some company for the night. The offer was declined quite rapidly. Once he got the keys, he went to the room he had pay for the night. He only wanted to rest a little. But he felt a presence behind him. A girl had followed him into the hallway. According to her clothing, she barely had sixteen. She wore too much makeup for her age. Nevertheless, he found her very pretty. She smiled shyly.

“Do you feel lonely?”

He sighed, looking away. It disgusted him that she was trying to charm him. He unlocked the door of his room without paying her any kind of attention. The girl insisted by touching his arm so he looked her. He freed himself with a sudden movement that made her backed a little.

“You don’t like being touched?”

“It doesn’t concern you.”

“Please,” she said with a small voice, “listen to me a moment. I just need money to leave this fucking town. Do you understand?”

“So what? I’m still not interested.”

“There are some people who say I’ve got the right touch, you know.”

She pressed herself against him, but she stepped back quickly. She frowned, horrified. He slightly opened his leather jacket, showing her what she had touched. She stepped back once again when she saw two revolvers in their holsters.

“You… you’re a cop?”

“Sort of.”

He turned and walked into the room, closing the door behind him. He locked it, hoping the girl will go. He took off his jacket and threw it on the bed. Then he took the weapons before putting them on the nightstand. There was a third belt holster. It contained a dagger. He gently removed it and watched critically the cold blade well sharpened. He went to the bathroom and took off his clothes before disappearing under the running hot water. He closed his eyes and tried to empty his mind for some time. Clara’s face appeared in his mind. His heart began to beat faster in his chest.

I love you, Tanis.

He suddenly opened his eyes. He shook his head to clear his head once again. But he saw her before him, as if she was still with him. He could hear her laughter. He remembered the smell of her skin, the texture of her long curly brown hair. Her smile made him melted every time. She loved to tease him. He remembered perfectly the last time he had seen her. It has been three years since she had disappeared.

He sighed before stopping the water from the shower. He came out of the bathroom, wearing only a towel. He reached into his bag and found a picture of Clara, his fiancée. There wasn’t a single day that passed without him thinking about her. She was in his dreams every night. He walked to the window and opened it, letting in a stream of hot air inside the room. The heat was still sweltering outside and it lasted for four days now. The smell that came to him made him feel nauseous, although he was unable to identify it. He changed before dropping onto the bed. He crossed his fingers behind his head and stared at the ceiling. Where were they right now? Out hunting? Tomorrow, he would ask the sheriff of this town if he could take a look at the five bodies.

Then, he felt asleep.

* * * * *

In the middle of the night, two hands with very long nails gripped the edge of the window and slipped inside. Without making any noise, the shadow moved quickly into the room. It went to the bed where the young man was sleeping. At the foot of the bed, she found a travel bag and decided to delve inside. It put its hand on a wallet and a card fell out. Frowning, it read what was written above.

Tanis Morrison. Vampires killer

The wallet fell on the shabby carpet. Tanis had discreetly grabbed his revolver. He reached over to turn on the lamp, pointing the barrel of his gun at the intruder. It was a woman. She arched her back and bared her teeth, putting herself in a defensive position.

“You haven’t entered the right room,” he said with a calm voice.

The woman stood up, pushing her hair from her face. There was a tug in his heart.


“Hi Tanis.”

He lowered his weapon, not believing his eyes. She confessed that she didn’t thought seeing him again. She crept close to him and took his weapon to drop it further. He was unable to look away. He asked her what had happened. She turned her head to the side, revealing two small holes barely visible on her throat. She told him to have been attacked in an alley three years ago. At the time, she refused to return to their apartment and risk to kill him. She approached him and kissed him. He stroked her skin. It was cold, but he recognized her scent. It was Clara. He missed her so much!

She noticed his dagger.

“So you became vampire slayer?”

He nodded.

“This thing will do nothing against a vampire. Did you know that?”

“Forged in the Holy Land and blessed.”

“So it’s very dangerous.”

“What are you doing here?”

“I… I feed…”

She moved a bit far from him, looking away. He moved toward her, but she roars with rage, screaming not to approach her. He begged her not to disappear again. He didn’t want to lose her a second time now that he had finally found her. She glared at him.

“You know what I’ve become? I’m a monster!”

“It’s… It’s my fault… I was doing this job before I met you…”

“Then do it.”

She straightened. He frowned.

“What do you mean?”

“You have to kill me. It’s your job! I don’t want to live like this, Tanis. You must do it if you love me…!”

He shook his head, knowing very well he would be unable to kill her. She begged him to kill her. She threw her head back and roared before arching her back and pounce on him. He screamed not to do it, but she was already on him. She showed her teeth to bite. He grabbed his gun and one shot was fired, reaching the young woman in the chest. The impact was very violent. She rolled onto her back, moaning. He approached her, trembling with grief. She smiled, gently stroking his cheek. Blood smeared her lips.

“Thank you… I love you, Tanis…”

She closed her eyes. He had time to kiss her one last time before her body suddenly liquefied. He ran a hand over his face, holding his tears. When his hand reached his neck, he felt a sharp pain. Watching his fingers, he could see blood. She had bitten him… He took a deep breath.

“Wait for me, Clara.”

He turned the weapon against him.


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