Pack with the devil

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He loved her so much. How could she leave him like that? What had he done to deserve to be abandoned? Yet he believed to be the perfect boyfriend. He didn’t drink and he was very far from being violent. So why? Heaving a deep sigh, he flopped on the couch. He felt much more than tired. And he had a very bad day at work. How could he still be surrounded by idiots? He closed his eyes, rubbing his eyelids. There were days where everything worked horribly wrong. I should stay in bed… He crossed his fingers under his chin, thoughtfully. What could he do now that she was gone? Why his days were still painful?

The note she had left him was still on the coffee table before him. He had read it so many times that he now knew it by heart. His shitty day at work was nothing compared to the pain he felt knowing that she had left him without talking to him before making her decision. He might be able to change something.

Naturally, he wasn’t someone depressed, but he might start. My life is shit. He worked for a bunch of fools to a position that was very far from prestigious. And the love of his life had just packed her bags. She was the reasons he got up every day. He sighed again. He painfully got up and went to the cabinet where he normally stored the alcohol and spirits bottles. Practically empty. Not lucky… He was tired of never having what he wanted. He took his jacket and keys before leaving the apartment. It was still early and he wanted to forget the whole thing quickly. There were small pubs not far from his apartment. Therefore he would not have to take his car and he could drink as much as he wanted. He entered the first pub and sat at the bar. He ordered a scotch and was lost in the contemplation of the ice cubes floating in his glass. He began to analyze his life until the last events. Why did he never have any luck?

A woman of sublime beauty passed behind him before coming to settle on the bench beside him. He barely noticed. She ordered a drink before turning her attention to her companion. She put a hand on his arm.

“Tough day?” she asked in a soft voice.

He raised his eyebrows without looking. She slowly withdrew her hand, a faint smile on her lips.

“You don’t know how.”

“So tell me. I’m sure I can fix everything.”

He heaved a deep sigh, shaking his head.

“I don’t think so.”

“You doubt about what I can do?”

“I don’t want to be rude, but I don’t want to talk. And certainly not paying for your services.”

She smiled, looking amused.

“As you wish. But you don’t know what you’re missing.”

She rose from the stool and walked away, still smiling. He preferred to be alone. He needed to think about what he should do. He wanted her back. But how could he do that? Lydia was the love of his life so how could she ignore this detail? He was willing to do anything for her and she knew it. He finished his drink and ordered another. He wanted so much she would come back to him… Was it possible? She had confessed not loving him anymore. Could he change her mind?

He spent the whole evening at the pub to drink while torturing his mind with all his questions. When he returned home, he still had no answers to his many questions. He wanted to talk to her, understand how it all happened. He let himself fall heavily on the bed, dazed by alcohol. He had too much to drink. Even the alcohol had failed to make him forget the departure of Lydia. He felt even more miserable. He curled up on himself and fell asleep.

* * * * *

I’m sure I can fix everything…

David suddenly opened his eyes, emerging from a deep dreamless sleep. He felt lost, feeling of being in an unfamiliar place. His brain eventually analyzed the room where he was and he finally was able to calm down. He was at home, in his bed. Lydia was gone. Everything came back to his head. He was overwhelmed by a wave of sadness. Why wasn’t it just a simple dream? He stood up slowly. His head was spinning and he still had the doughy taste of alcohol in the mouth. He should have known he would have a hangover the next day… What a great day I’ll have… He frowned. What woke him up? He kept no recollection of activated his alarm clock. He heard a noise near him. He went to bed fully clothed, still wearing his jacket and tie. He suddenly felt something moving on his chest. Startled, he swung his feet on the other side of the bed to find the source of this strange sensation. He found his cell phone in the inside pocket of his jacket. He heaved a sigh of relief by taking the phone in his hand. When he looked at the screen, David noticed that there were two messages on his voicemail and he missed six calls. Who wants to talk to me so bad? Lydia? A ray of hope entered his stomach. Lydia wanted to talk to him to fix things! He hastened to look at the number. It was the bank for who he worked for seven years.

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