Sweet revenge

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Julia walked slowly into a long corridor. Her backpack was heavy, aching her shoulders. She heard footsteps behind her. Two girls were talking together. The young girl recognized on of the two voices.

“Get out of the way, the retarded,” Katherine Bastian threw, passing near her.

The girl stopped walking after pressing herself against the concrete wall. The two girls passed. Katherine whispered something in her friend’s ear that Julia was unable to understand. Then the two girls laughed. They walked away with a grin like little girls. They turned into another hallway. Once again, a tear slid down on Julia’s cheek. Previously, Katherine and Julia were great friends. From the first grade, they were always together, almost inseparable. But not anymore. Katherine had other friends and hated Julia. She didn’t miss a single opportunity to humiliate her in public. The presence of Katherine always ruined Julia’s life.

* * * * *

“Guess who I saw?” Caroline asked. “The pretty Matthew!”

“So what?” Julia replied with a shrug.

Caroline sighed, pouting.

“Thou hast crossed Katherine.”

Her friend nodded.

“Did you dream about her?”

“Yes, and this time, I was flipping her with my car. I could see her fly through the air and land on the floor.”

Caroline shook her head.

“You’re really obsessed with her! You dream of killing her almost every night. Do you ever dream of things more… normal…?”

“I want to see her die, to see her suffer and be able to say to her face what she has put me through. I have the right, right?”

“Okay, but don’t do anything you might regret.”

Julia shrugged, thinking about her dream. She went out of her thoughts to look at her watch. She took her backpack and told her friend she had to go to her class. She arrived in her class. Katherine wasn’t there. She was relieved. Sighing, she sat down in the back of the classroom, near the wall. Her enemy didn’t appear in class. Throughout the period, Julia began to draw swords and cast a spell to the person she hated the most.

She returned home at the end of the day. The rain fell, cold. There was no wind. The snow was now melted. Once in her apartment, she fell on her bed, eyes closed. The phone rang. The young girl didn’t move, leaving the voicemail take the message. David left a message, asking her to call him back. She got up painfully and fetched the phone. She sank again on her bed and waited a few minutes before calling back her boyfriend. Martine entered the apartment.

“Hello! Do I have calls?”

“No,” Julia answered.

“And what do you do with the phone?”

“I’m thinking.”

With a kick, she closed the door of her room. She dialed David’s number.

“I don’t know if I can.”

“Please,” David begged. “I want to see this movie with you and it comes out in theaters tonight. You don’t want to spend your Friday night with your boyfriend?”

The girl smiled.

“And you promised me to come and see it with me.”

“We don’t have to go there tonight. The film has just been release! It’ll still be showing tomorrow!”

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