A long weekend

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He wiped the fog from the mirror to observe his reflection. He didn't look very well and he had to admit that was right. His long shower didn't seem to have improved his appearance. He sighed as he looked away. The last few weeks had been very difficult, working impossible hours. He had held out hope of having to stay on call, but his employer had decided to close the company for the long weekend. Dressed only with a towel, he came out of the bathroom. He dropped on the bed, growling in despair.
"I don't want to go," he moaned, eyes closed.
His girlfriend Nina looked up from her book.
"It's only for the weekend. And it might be good for you to be outside."
"I don't like winter."
"Nobody likes winter," the young woman said, returning to her book, "but they are our friends. Make an effort."
Brandon turned to her.
"An effort? But I'm awake! It's already a big victory!"
"Don't exaggerate," she said, shaking her head. "The weekend promises to be fun. You won't regret being there!"
He didn't answer anything. His girlfriend closed her book and went into the bathroom. Through the door, she asked him to begin preparations for their departure within an hour. He stretched out, grumbling that he didn't want to go. The weekend promised to be very long. The network wasn't working in this lost area. This wasn't the first time they had booked a chalet for skiing. Except this year, the one they used to book wasn't available. They had to change travel agency. The cottage was a four-hour drive away! Aside from the cold, it wasn't snowing. At least not yet. He hated the idea of going on the road to spend time with people he didn't really hang out with lately.

* * * * *

He felt his muscles in his shoulders resisting to the effort, but he had to keep going. Even if he had lost count. It was his way of combating stress. He was sill out of breath. His girlfriend entered the bedroom with a list in hand. She told him she had gathered almost everything in the living room. She had even packed their bags the day before.
"We can leave as soon as you take a shower," she proudly announced.
"Tammy," he sight, catching his breath, "I could very well have taken care of my own luggage."
"I know you've been more stressed lately so I wanted to help you."
"I'm not stressed," Philippe lied as he got back on his feet.
"Of course not," the young woman replied, shrugging. "Whatever you say. Go in the shower now. We have a long way to go!"
Her enthusiasm was slightly contagious, making him smile despite exhaustion. He nodded as he left the bedroom and headed for the bathroom. A shower would make him relax. Spend a whole weekend doing nothing. Was he capable? The hot water hardly released his tense muscles. She reminded him that the network was very bad there. So if he was going to add some kind of electronic device, he shouldn't forget it. She already had told him several times.

* * * * *

She had been going back and forth from the bedroom to the living room for about an hour. She tried to wake him up three times already and he was still in bed. It no longer was the time to be lazy! She suddenly opened the curtains, ordering him to get up. He growled and grabbed the blankets to hide under. She hurried to remove the sheets.
"No way!" Carole exclaimed, rolling the sheets out of his reach. "It's time to get up and help me!"
"Too early Give me another hour..."
"Oh no! I've already asked you several times to prepare our things while I was working. And what did you do? Nothing! So now you get up and help me!"
He growled without getting up.
"Because of you, we're going to be late!"
"Fine. I'm getting up."
Groping around, he picked up his phone and took a quick look at it. No message. She came out of the room, discouraged. Rodney tried to keep his eyes open, but this seemed impossible. It was cruel to get up so early to drive. She returned tot he bedroom when he managed to sit on the corner of the bed. She made sudden gestures, indicating her level of agitation. But he had no desire to fight with her this morning. Too soon for that. He preferred to go to the bathroom to shower. This way, he avoided a quarrel.

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