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She followed him wherever he went; he tirelessly repeated the same thing since he had arrived in the office. But as usual, he refused to listen to her. She still pleaded her cause. He had always admired her stubbornness. Not anymore. He rushed to his office. She quickly shut the door behind her, determined to be heard despite his refusal.

“Maurice, I have to do this article. Do not let Sophia have it. I’m begging you… Do it for me…”

“Doris, you’re a very good journalist. I have no doubt.”

“So can you tell me what’s the problem?”

“You never covered this kind of news. It’s too big! And you’re not the kind of girl who’s going into the field.”

She furiously crossed her arms on her chest. The editor in chief of the newspaper heavily sank down in his chair with a sigh. How could he make her understand? He shook his head, looking for the right words.

“I need someone with experience. Someone who knows how to handle this, you know.”

The young woman’s shoulders slumped in despair.

“I can’t believe what you’re saying.”

“Please… Anyway, I have already given the exclusive…”

“Are you kidding me? Why did you do this to me? You both know that I wanted to cover this story… Why?”

“Sophia insisted so you will not have it. She still hates you for what you did to her. You can’t blame her for that.”

“I didn’t know it was her husband. How many times do I have to tell her?”

“I had no choice, Doris. I had to do to it, but you shouldn’t take it so hard. She has more experience than you, don’t forget that.”

“This is bullshit.”

“Do not take it that way, please.”

“And how do you want me to take it, tell me? With a big smile?”

He gave a little nervous laugh.

“I want this story and I will have it.”

He knew her determination, but he didn’t know how far she’ll go to convince Sophia to abandon the exclusivity. He asked her not to do anything stupid. She merely smiled at him before leaving the office. She was determined to get the story. She returned to her car and drove off. She should act if she wanted to get what she wanted. Firstly, she had to meet people who may provide information. There was only one place she could ask any question she wanted to have answers.

She spent the rest of the morning at the police station, asking all questions that came into her mind to collect as much information to write her article. A mystery surrounded this story, making her more curious about it. She questioned, but nobody really wanted to talk to her. She had to resign herself to meet someone in particular. The inspector Brown was one of her former boyfriends and represented her last hope. She heavily relied on him for all the answers to her many questions. She had to speak to him at any price.

He was in his office and talked on the phone. He beckoned and closed the door. Then he put the receiver, a wide smile on his lips.

“Doris, my dear. It’s been too damn long.”

She folded her arms across her chest, a disgust expression on her face.

“Not enough for my, Paul.”

“Come on! I risk a lot for you!” he replied, motioning for her to sit down. “You could be a little nicer to me.”

He got up and sat on the corner of his desk, facing her. He reminded her that he risked his career for her so she can get the information she wanted so much. All he asked in return was a small compensation. She sighed, closing her eyes. She had to admit he was right on this point. She owned him that, hoping it would be worth it. She asked him what his price was. Paul rubbed his hands together, a smile of satisfaction on his lips.

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