Bad luck for them but good luck for others

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The rain fell with a crash against the living room window of her small apartment. She felt really alone. Her husband was away on a business trip, but he was supposed to get back before the weekend. She heaved a deep sigh, resting her head against her arm. She stood up and filled up the bathtub with hot water and bubbles. The young woman untied her hair before slipping under the warm water. She put the cordless phone and a glass of juice near the tub.

She jumped when she heard the phone ringing. Some juice fell on her chest, causing her to scream. She reached to answer. Her voice trembled, unable to believe the words she just heard.

“Lightning struck the device and the pilots have done everything to prevent the plane from crashing… We are sorry to inform you that your…”

She dropped her glass, let it crashed on the ground. Tears slid down the cheeks of the young woman before she lost consciousness while still in the bathtub.

* * * * *

He sat comfortably on a chair while she looked for the hundredth time the test results. She jumped up and threw the file on the dining room table, groaning.

“It’s your fault!” she spat, crossing her arms over her chest. “If you hadn’t celebrated so much in your youth, maybe we wouldn’t have this problem!”

“Calm down! What I did doesn’t concern you. I was young and I didn’t care at all. Your reprimands wouldn’t change anything to the fact that…”

“I can’t believe we don’t have a child because of you!”

He got up to take her in his arms, but she disengaged herself with a quick movement and went to the window at a rapid pace.

“We’ll find another solution.”

She turned towards him, glaring at him.

“We’ve got to have a child if we want the legacy!” she cried. “Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“There are other ways.”

“You’re sterile!”

“Perhaps, but there’s always adoption or surrogacy…”

“Don’t make fun of me.”

“But I’m serious.”

“As if we were going to pay a woman to carry OUR heir for nine months. Don’t be so ridiculous!”

“There are women who are paid to do that, you know. It’s their job, so to speak. The price may be high but it’s worth a try…”

“I don’t want to pay a woman who is incapable of having a real job.”

She watched the crowd walking on the sidewalk when a thought flashed across her mind. Her eyes followed a young woman who seemed very nervous.

“I have an idea,” she said.

“Which is?”

She turned to him, a huge smile on her lips. She replaced her jacket and took some stuff which was getting on her nerves.

“You’re going to seduce this woman.”

“What? But who are you talking about?”

“I know that she works for me and she’s pregnant. I’ll check it before. Then you’ll seduce her.”

“You’re completely lost your mind.”

“I’ll tell you my plan.”

* * * * *

The doctor took her into his office, a huge smile on his lips. He motioned to sit in an armchair and he did the same. He said nothing, but the young woman was shaking without understanding why. She had to know whether she simply dreamed about it.

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