Everyone's money

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The sun was shining on this beautiful morning in June 1693. The driver stopped the carriage before the bridge leading to the courtyard of the impressive field. He got out and opened the door. He reached out to help the woman to get out of the small car. She cast a glance before turning to the coachman, frowning.

“Where are the slaves?”

He shrugged. A tall man approached the woman and bowed before her.

“Good morning, lovely lady,” he said while straightening up.

She held out her hand and he placed a chaste kiss.

“Hello to you too. Can you answer my question?”

“I sure will try to do so.”

“Where are the slaves that are for sale today?”

He smiled.

“Let me take you to them. I was going there too.”

He offered her his arm. She took it and thanked him. They walked slowly, going to the back of the field. There, men pulled heavy carts containing the goods of the day. He decided to initiate the conversation.

“You know, I know all the courtiers of the court, but this is the first time I see you.”

She shook her head.

“I just arrived in Paris, sir.”

“And do you love Paris?”

She laughed.

“I have not yet had time to visit.”

“Can I have your name?”

“Rolande de Magnes. And you?”

“Gerard de Chantilly.”

“And are you married, Mr. de Chantilly?”

He smiled before answering no, he did not share his life with a woman. He asked her the same question. He was surprise by the cold tone she employed. She said she was promised to a man who had died during the ceremony. He had collapsed in front of the altar, inside the cathedral. He frowned, replying it was impossible because she just arrived. She shook her head.

“He did not come from here.”

“What will you do now that your fiancé is no longer of this world?”

“I intend to stay in Paris.”

“But your parents…”

She laughed again, shaking her head.

“They have no rights because they believed me married. With the death of my fiancé, I am now a free woman.”

He smiled. They arrived in front of a crowd of courtiers trooped before a big cart equipped with metal bars. Men and women, dirty from head to toe, were watching them with a fearful gaze. A man went on a podium and unrolled a parchment before clearing his throat.

“Here are the available slaves!”

A guard brought out one, chains around his ankles. He pushed him a little forward, near the messenger who began to describe him: his health, employment history. His former owners had to sell him to pay off debts on their farm. He had an excellent physical condition. A woman cried she took him for three gold coins. Rolande looked around, smiling. A man outbid with four gold coins and won. The next slave approached the messenger. It was a woman who had done housework for a very wealthy family. She stayed in Paris when the family left the city. Rolande raised her head to look at the slave. A man threw his offer at two gold coins.

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