Vampire's shadow

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She walked over the window, watching the moon while pulling on her shirt. Behind her, he put on his pants. He watched the young woman. She knew he was looking at her. she turned to him, a smile on her lips. He returned her smile.

"How much do I owe you?" he asked.

"I think we've been together for more than an hour, but I'll give you a friendly price. Okay?" 

He nodded and reached into his jacket to take his wallet. He pulled out a hundred dollar bill and another fifty dollars. A little extra to have withheld her so long. He put the money on the nightstand before settling his shirt. She crept close to him to take the money and put it away in her bag. She thanked him for the little extra, rewarding him with a great smile.

"I hope we meet again," she said.

"Probably sooner than you think," he replied, a faint smile on his lips. "So much quicker."

She turned to him, asking him if he was serious. She stared into his eyes. She was seeing him for some time, but it was the first time she noticed how his eyes were deep and dark. The young woman began to shake. It wasn't the first time a client frightened her. but this one was a regular. She forced herself to laugh.

"And what do you mean?"

"I like to feel your presence near me, smell your skin and hear your groans when I make love to you. I look forward the time of our next meeting to have you in my arms. Do you understand?"

The young woman frowned. She wasn't sure to really understand what he had told her. The way he spoke to her looked like a love declaration a boy had done when she was in college. But she didn't believe a man who liked unbridled relations could really be in love with her. He added that she was someone special. She raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"If I'm so special, then tell me why I'm a simple prostitute."

He approached her.

"It's not your fault. You didn't choose this life."

The young woman smiled. She knew very well that no one would choose to live this way. Not a single prostitute she knew had really wanted to make a career out of it. Especially not in the street. But she worked with an agency. Not everyone had this chance. He took her hand and suddenly pressed it against his heart.

"I have a gift for you."

She raised her eyebrows.

"A gift? What kind of gift?"

"Something that nobody else can ever give you."

The young woman had sudden recoil, very suspicious. The last time a customer told her that, he had hit her several times and then tried to drug her wit heroin. Heart pounding, she stared at his face. She wasn't really interested in reliving the experience. She made it clear she had to leave quickly because she might be late for other clients. He seemed upset by her response.

"I thought you had only me tonight."

"I have an apartment to pay. My life is not as easy as yours."

"It could be if you wanted."

The young woman leaned over to put on her shoes, shaking her head. He began to protest, wanting to keep her for a little while. She took her bag and walked towards the door, playing deaf. She was much too afraid to stay with him. As she passed near him, he grabbed her wrist gently and kindly asked her to stay a little longer. She refused.

"And if I pay?" he asked. "Will you stay a little longer with me?"

She frowned. Being paid just to stay with a client? The proposal was very interesting. She knew he had a lot of money, but she didn't know he had too much of it. He offered another hundred dollars for an hour. She became even more suspicious. She still had to persuade him that it wasn't a very good idea. She had to try everything. She had to be able to convince him.

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