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The restaurant was crowded. People talked, ate and drank like sponges. Joan took a long sip of red wine while listening to her best friend explaining her last fight with Patrick.

"I can't believe that he asked me to make a meal and only came back home two hours later!"

"And for what reason?"

"He worked a little more for a little more money."

"Is that why you did a scene to him?"

"More or less."

"Carolyn! You should be ashamed of what you did!"

Joan sighed, discouraged by the attitude of her best friend. Patrick was in love with her, but it wasn't like the beginning of their relationship. He always looked the other women, but he didn't touch. At least he kept saying that. Unfortunately, Carolyn had difficulty to believe or trust him. She knew what he had done before they met. And it scared her.

"Trust him a little."

"I know, but..."

They remained silent for a few minutes. Then Carolyn spoke, a small smile on her lips.

"How is Matthew?"

"I don't know. It's been over a week since I have seen him."

"How come? You're not together anymore?"

"He called me yesterday, but I don't think we'll see each other again. He came to take the rest of his stuff while I wasn't there."

"Does he live at Danny's?"

"Yes, I think."

"You should talk to him, Joan. You had wonderful years with him."

Joan shrugged, indifferent. Their relationship didn't end up in good terms. She hadn't come home early from work and he refused to accept it. A colleague had invited her to eat something and she accepted. Matthew began to yell at her, pretexting she could have called him to warn him. She ignored he was waiting for her. Furious, she accused him of being jealous of Charles, her colleague, because he had invited her. In addition, she was supposed to join him to the movie. Matthew was no longer angry, but furious. Joan shook her head to banish this event from her mind. Carolyn asked her something she didn't understand. She frowned while asking her to repeat what she was saying.

"Do you still love him?"

"The jealousy stuff was useless. I haven't the time to tell him my colleague Charles was forty-seven years old, married and kept talking about his wife."

"He was jealous too?"

"Yes! He refused to let me say a word."

"Did you have the chance to explain to him since then?"

"About two weeks ago. I could tell him everything, but we haven't talked for very long."

"You didn't want to see him?"

Joan shrugged and sighed deeply, eyes unfocused.

"I thought you wanted a little action in your life," Carolyn laughed.

"Not that kind of action."

* * * * *

She pumped up the volume of the television before returning to the kitchen to continue cutting vegetables. She listened to the news while preparing her meal. She lifted her head and looked at the screen which stood in the living room. There had been an hostage at the local hospital near where she worked. She sighed, looking down at the knife she was holding. She envied the victims of such events. She wanted so badly to experience something like that. Someone knocked at the door. She wiped her hands on her apron before taking a piece of carrot. She walked over to the door and looked through the peephole. Matthew stood behind the door. She opened the door, surprise.

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