What else

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There were nearly two hours she was thinking about what she should do. She was on the edge of the bridge. The last few days have been very difficult for her. What else should she do?

* * * * *

The sun was setting slowly, offering a beautiful sunset to young lovers. She pressed herself against him, happy to be alone with the guy she loved more than anything. He whispered a few sweet words in her ear before saying he loved her. She confessed that she was happy to be near him. His class had been canceled so he surprised her.

“I missed you,” he said, passing an arm around her shoulders.

“That’s nice.”

“And I have something for you.”

He pulled a small box from his jacket pocket and handed it to her. She frowned, looking at him curiously. It’s not my birthday. She opened the box, revealing a beautiful gold chain adorned with a heart shaped pendant. She unlocked it and could see the words “I love you” engraved inside. She hastened to cover him with kisses, so happy about his gift.

When he brought her back home, Alexandra hurried to show her roommates the gift David had given her. Jasmine and Jolyane gasped. Their friend had some doubts about David lately. She found him distant, cold. He really managed to surprise her! At the same time, he dispelled her doubts.

They eventually went on their own room. But Alexandra wasn’t tired. She lay on her stomach, unable to take her eyes off the words engraved on the pendant. David was so romantic… It was the first time he told her and showed her what he really felt for her. He never told her that before. She had waited so long for those words…

* * * * *

In the morning, the phone rang. Alexandra was the first up. She hastened to answer before her roommates got awaken by the noise. In fact, she had hoped it might be David. It was Sonia, her boss. She tried to hide her disappointment when her boss asked if she was available to work that evening. Alexandra had nothing planned so she agreed to help her. When she hung up, Jasmine went out of her room, yawning.

“Who was that?” she asked.

“My boss. I’m working tonight.”

“I thought you were going to the movies with David.”

Shit! She sighed, wondering how she could have forgotten such a thing. She hastened to dress up and go to her classes, hoping to meet David. She didn’t see him anywhere. She didn’t want to cancel her evening, but she already had given her word to Sonia. She couldn’t go back. Her class seemed very long. She wasn’t focused on what the teacher told everyone. Once it was over, she hurried back home to call her boyfriend. He wasn’t there. She left a message, hoping he’ll call her back soon.

What he did. He wanted to cancel their evening at the movies because he had to go home for an emergency. Alexandra didn’t have time to explain she was canceling too. At least she didn’t have to feel guilty. She asked him to be careful on the way back. He promised to call her when he came home. They hung up and she had herself off for work.

* * * * *

The evening passed quickly. The restaurant where she worked was filled as never before. She took a break and sat at a table at the back of the main room. A guy joined her and greeted her kindly. She frowned.

“Do I know you?”

“You don’t remember me?”

Alexandra shook her head, searching her memory. His face was vaguely familiar to her without knowing why. He mentioned a party that took place on the football field last year. Her eyes widened. She remembered a little of it, but it was very vague in her memory. She ventured.

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