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The sun descended on the horizon, making at the same time her heart sank in total darkness. She unlocked the door of the apartment she shared with her boyfriend for five years. Inside, everything was dark. A death silence reigned in every part of the huge apartment she had decorated when she was looking for a job. Outside, the rain threatened to fall soon. The wind grew in strength.

The young woman entered the room and saw that the closet door was wide open. With a sigh showing all her exhaustion, she went to the closet to close it without undue haste. Then she turned back to open the lamp and chase the gloom. Turning around, she gasped in surprise. All dresser drawers appeared to have been opened in a big hurry. Frowning, she walked slowly, as if she was afraid that something attacked her. She put her hands to her lips, horrified. She ran to the closet and opened it suddenly, on the verge of tears.

“Oh my God…” she moaned, dropping on the unmade bed.

He was gone. He took all his stuff before she came back of work and he was gone. He left after five years together. How could he do such a thing to her? He was the only man she had been able to love regardless of past events.

The phone rang, making her jump. Taking her wits, she literally threw herself over, hoping that it was him.


“Hi Kristie!” her best friend exclaimed joyfully. “Did you just come back?”

The young woman sank back down on the bed with a sigh. It wasn’t him. Where was he now? With his friends? She was shaken by his decision and sudden split up? Was there any remorse from him? She shook her head.

“Not for very long.”

“You don’t seem to want to talk to me. Am I wrong?”

“It’s just that… I thought it was someone else…”

She stood up abruptly. Maybe her friend new where he was. Surely she could tell him everything and arrange their relationship. She smiled at this thought. She didn’t tell her he was gone, but she could perhaps question without telling her the real reason.

“Would you know where Mike is?”

“No,” Patricia said, “I haven’t seen him. He’s not with you?”

“I wouldn’t ask you the question if it was the case.”

Chuckle at the other end of the line.

“That makes sense. But no, I don’t know where he is.”

“Is Brad with you?”

“No. He’s out with his friends, I guess. He left me a message. Not you? He must be with Brad. You wanted to ask him something?”

Yes, why did you get the fuck out of here without allowing us to discuss? She shook her head, hiding her face in her hands. She couldn’t tell Patricia before knowing what was really happening. But she was in tears and she didn’t want to be alone.

“No. I don’t think he left a note, but I just wanted to know if he intended to return later.”

“Don’t wait for him. He’ll come back.”

“Yes, I know.”

“You seemed tired. Go to sleep before your prince charming will come back. I’ll call you later tomorrow, okay?”

“Yes. See you later.”

“Good night.”

She dropped the phone and burst into tears. No, he will not come back tonight or the night after. You know why? He dumped me. He took his stuff and left. Her shoulders were shaking with sobs and she couldn’t breathe. She choked and seemed on the verge of panic. The young woman went back on their feet and ran to the balcony to breath fresh air. The rain had begun to fall, but she didn’t care about it. She was hurt. She suffered because the man of her life left.

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