Last call

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Why he continued to play every week with the same people and never won one game? He didn’t know the answer, but he knew he couldn’t help himself. He loved to play cards. Even if he lost… And he was losing a lot. However, he always had an incredible hand. How could he lose? His wife was discouraged to see him returning home late in the evening, crestfallen and completely empty pockets. She had never encouraged him to play. She hated gambling. Secretly, she was pitiful to get involved by his friend friends while he never won. Why didn’t they get him out of this hell? If they really were his friends, they should help him. Not encouraging him!

It may be my turn tonight. He always said the same thing every week. Except that it never happened. He lost all the time. It was more than simple bad luck.

Not leaving taking his eyes from his cards, he tried to hide his disappointment. He didn’t have what he wanted. No wonder he lost tonight too. He emptied his glass, scrutinizing the faces of his friends, trying to detect the slightest emotion. They were perfectly calm. How do they do that? Brad asked two cards while Charlie and Wesley asked for three. How many was he going to ask? His game was completely crap, but he could not ask for four. The others will discover he had nothing. Finally, he asked two. He was surprised that he now had three times the same card. In his case, it was almost impossible! Charlie threw money on the table. Wesley revived, but Brad threw his cards on the table. They all turned to him.

“So?” Wesley asked him. “What are you doing, Paul? You’re playing or you’re out?”

Paul hesitated to give an answer. He might have three times the same card, but he didn’t know what his friends had. They could very well be a suited or even two pairs. Lucky as he was, the situation could very well turn against him. He already lost five hundred dollars… He was very nervous. For once, he had a game quite interesting, but he could lose everything. And it wasn’t what he wanted. He took some money left in his pocket and threw it on the table, a serious expression on his face.

“It’s not true…” Brad sighed.

“What happened to you?” Charlie asked. “Are you trying to lose again? If you lose once again, your wife will dump you!”

“She would have done it a long time ago,” Paul muttered.

Getting back to his cards, he waited for Charlie to do something. Everyone around the table seemed absorbed by their thoughts. Paul was eager to get over with it. He could lose, he knew it. But he also could win. And this time, he was confident of winning the bet. By cons, if he lost again, he was totally broke. It made him even more nervous. He should concentrate on his game and not thinking about anything else. Everything depended on those cards. He tried to control his shaking fingers. He couldn’t afford to lose again. He didn’t want to. He dreaded the time to show his cards to everyone. Wesley laid his cards on the table, a small smile one his lips. He had a single pair. I’ve got better! Despite the immense joy he felt, he remained as calm as possible. He must remain very calm. Charlie waved.

“Your turn, Paul.”

The moment of truth has arrived… He laid his cards in front of him on the table, holding his breath. Brad was a gasp while Wesley cursed. Feeling a huge wave of pride and relief, Paul stretched out his hand to recover the money in the middle of the table when Charlie asked him not to steal his money. A spark was shining in his eyes. No! He has no right to do this to me! With a dramatic motion, Charlie proudly laid his cards on the table. Paul couldn’t believe his eyes. Why it always happened to him? He had done nothing to deserve such bad luck. Charlie had four similar cards. How was this possible? His friend laughed, clapping in their hands.

Paul went back home. He quietly closed the door, taking care of locking it once inside. He didn’t want to wake up his wife. She should already be in bed since a long time. He didn’t want to discuss with her what he had lost once again. He thought she was more irritable now. Unfortunately for him, his wife was sitting of the bed, her arms crossed over her chest. She watched him with her icy stare. He took a deep breath, looking down.

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