Still there

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He heavily sank onto the worn sofa, looking around him. There were still a few people at this very boring party. It was quite late, and he was tired. He no longer bothered to start a conversation. He wanted to go home, but Caroline wanted to talk to Derek who was way upset. She knew what he was like when he was like that. He didn't listen to anyone. So, he didn't understand why she insisted. They had been locked in the room at the end of the corridor for a while now. He was curious to know what was going on. He regretted having agreed to be Caroline's driver. But he had promised her parents to bring her back. He lost patience. He got up and walked down the hall to the back door. He knocked several times, warning Caroline that he wanted to leave. He had no response. He reached into his pockets and pulled out his keys, which he used on the door. He wanted to let them know he was serious. Their torturous love story didn't concern him. And he had enough.

The door burst open, and Derek stormed out, grabbing his keys as he went. He got out without slowing down, leaving him surprised. Caroline hastened to follow him. She took him by the arm so that he would follow her. He asked her what was happening, but she didn't answer him. They found themselves outside. He ordered him not to touch his car.

"Please..." Caroline begged. "I know it's difficult, but it will change! I swear! Tell him Todd... I'm right!"

"You can't know that," Derek retorted. "They don't understand! They never understand anything!"

"Can someone explain to me what's going on?" he sighed. "Give me back my keys."

He held out his hand, but Derek made no move to give them to him. Still addressing his girlfriend, he repeated to her that his parents were horrible people who didn't deserve to exist. Caroline asked him to wait, to calm down before acting. She approached him, but he pushed her away. Todd stepped between them even though he didn't understand what was happening. He ordered his keys again, but the couple seemed to have forgotten his presence. Derek walked towards the car. Caroline asked him not to do it because he wasn't in his normal state. As he got behind the wheel, Todd took a seat int he passenger side, hoping he could calm him down even if Caroline had failed. She took a seat in the backseat, trying to get his attention. Derek started the car and drove off, shouting he hated them.

"As if you were the only one who had problems with his parents!" Todd knew. "You need to calm down before doing something you'll regret later!"

"He's right!" Caroline said, putting a hand on her boyfriend's shoulder.

He banged the steering wheel, repeating they were horrible and would never change. He accelerated and took a turn too quickly but managed to maintain control of the vehicle. Todd asked him to pull over before something happened. Derek yelled back. At the next turn, he was unable to control the car. They skidded before hitting a stone wall near the park. Caroline hit her seat belt violently, having had the reflex to wear it. Her friends weren't so lucky, shattering the windshield. Derek found himself face down on the low wall. Todd flew over the low wall and landed near a tree a little further away. Caroline got out of the wrecked vehicle, crying and calling for help.

* * * * *

He didn't want to open his eye. He was afraid to do it. The noises around him frightened him and the smells worried him. And it hurt everywhere! He was in so much pain. How was it possible to have pain all the way down to your hair? Grimacing, he raised his hand to his head. Everything seemed normal, apart from some sort of bandage covering almost his entire forehead. However, he was unable to raise his left hand. He tried, but a bracelet prevented him. He looked down and saw that a handcuff was around his wrist, holding him to the bed. And he was in the hospital. What had happened? He closed his eyes. He remembered the car and Derek's agitation. An accident... Unfortunately, some horrible details came to mind. But that didn't explain the handcuffs. He felt movement near him. He suspected a nurse, but she wasn't alone. She asked another person – a man, he presumed – if the handcuffs were necessary. He simply told her to wait until he woke up to gather more information on what had happened. Todd didn't understand what that meant. They had been in a car accident, and he was injured. At least, that's how he felt right now. Reality hit him. The police believe it was me who was driving and who caused the accident...! He felt dizzy, followed by a ringing in his ears. Then he sank into a dark and silent abyss.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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