Always be careful

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Erika, you’re actually not going to do that? a little voice in the back of her mind strongly protested. You might ruin your life! The young girl shrugged, smiling at her reflection in the mirror. Why wouldn’t she do it? She had everything to gain by hiding the truth. Him, he couldn’t defend himself against all the accusations. That was the funniest. Think about this man. He may be married or engaged. His life will be destroyed because you have lied to all these people. Why doing such a thing to an innocent man?

“Because men deserve it,” the girl replied to her reflection. “They all deserve it.”

She straightened her short black skirt, white blouse and watched her breast for a moment. She wore no bra under the thin fabric. It wasn’t the first time she dressed that way. Erika became an expert in the field. She practiced a lot with football and hockey players to know that it was very hard to resist. However, it was her first official attempt with an adult. Her target was a literature professor. She knew his name was Steven Brown, but she was unaware of his marital status.

The classroom was overflowing. Mr. Brown hadn’t yet arrived, but students already in the first row discussed his physique. They told what they had heard from a friend of another friend… Erika shook her head. The kind of story that never ends. She sat down at the bottom of the class so he will not notice her right away. He finally made his entrance. He was tall, but he looked much younger than his age. He had short dark hair and bright eyes. He wore simple denim, a dark blue shirt and a black jacket. What a pleasant prey… She felt her heart racing in her chest. She quickly shook her head, frowning. This is not the time to tall under his spell, silly girl! You have work to do. She turned her gaze to the window, listening to all the comments around her. Erika smirked.

“Damn…” a boy muttered beside her. “The semester will be long!”

“I’m sure he’s gay,” his friend threw suddenly.

The young girl stiffened. She hadn’t thought for a moment about this option. And if her literature teacher was gay? She took a deep breath to calm herself. If he was homosexual, her plan was useless. She had to find a way to approach him without getting her intentions known immediately. But how? In addition, he was really handsome.

“Hello everyone,” the professor began. “I’m Steven Brown and I will be your literature teacher for the next semester…”

No matter what he said, Erika wasn’t listening. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she felt something she had never felt before. Get over it! You worked hard to get here… She hid her face in her hands, but she couldn’t help but look at him. He was so attractive…

* * * * *

While working on his next class, someone knocked at the door of his office. It was more than seven pm, and apart from the cleaning team and the dean’s secretary, nobody else was in the building. Frowning, he laid his pen, slightly intrigued by this relatively late visit. Homework was not yet publicised. Who could need to talk to him?

“It’s open,” he announced.

The door opened for a young girl with long brown hair. She seemed very uncomfortable coming to disturb him.

“Mr. Brown?” she said with a small voice. “Am I disturbing you?”

“Not really. This is about what?”

“I’m currently studying journalism and I have a job to do. For that, I need your help.”

“Remind me your name, please?”

“Erika Jacobson.”

She gave him her hand, smiling shyly. He rose to shake her hand beckoning her before sitting down. He sat back in his chair and waited for her to continue. She removed her black jacket to reveal her cleavage and her generous breasts. She smoothed her skirt before quietly sit, legs slightly open. Mr. Brown asked what kind of game she was playing.

“You’re very attractive, you know.”

“I beg your pardon?”

She unbuttoned her shirt slightly, revealing her chest a little more. He looked away when he realized she wore no bra. He asked her to leave his office immediately. Suddenly she screamed, grabbing her clothes. She tore her shirt at the same time.

“Erika! Calm down!”

“You have no right!” she yelled. “You can’t do that!”

He had recoiled when the young girl screamed, still ordering him to stop. Suddenly, she left the room, crying hysterically. She passed in a rush in front of the dean’s secretary. Steven tried to catch her up to understand what had happened. The secretary watched without uttering a word.

* * * * *

The next day, a complaint for attempted rape was officially filed by a girl named Erika Jacobson. The complaint concerned her literature professor Steven Brown. The dean suspended him the time of the investigation. The secretary went to his apartment to discuss with the accused. She explained to him her plan, but he wasn’t sure that it’ll works. In addition, he should not approach the victim. The secretary insisted. The plan was simple: he has to meet Erika in a restaurant where the secretary’s sister worked. She would be there to monitor everything. The girl went into the restaurant, visibly uncomfortable.

“What do you want?” she asked.

“Understand why you did this.”

“I haven’t done anything wrong.”

“You lied.”

She hung her head, ashamed. After the scene she did in his office, she returned home where she had been crying all night. She quickly fell in love with him and it tore her.

“You admit you lied?”

“I… I’m sorry… I would like to get back…”

“Nothing prevents you from doing it!”

“I have everything to lose!” she cried. “People will laugh at me! What will people say about me?”

“You’re an honest person.”

She laughed wickedly before jumping on her feet, her face red.

“I don’t know what you want, but I have other things to do.”

“Do you feel something for me? Really?”

She glanced around, looking for an exit.

“So what?”

“Why you didn’t say anything? Why did you lie?”

“To attract your attention… But I shouldn’t be in love with you!”

“I don’t understand…”

“You guys have fun to fuck girls for your own pleasure. Why can’t a girl have fun with a game more dangerous?”

“This is really disgusting.”

“I’ve never made it this far! I can’t go back.”

He shrugged, a small smile.

“As you wish.”

Then he pulled out a small tape recorder from his jacket pocket. Erika’s eyes widened in horror.

* * * * *

To new evidence, the charges were dropped against Mr. Brown. Erika Jacobson was evaluated and locked up in a psychiatric institution for treatment of a mental disorder. She suffered since a very young age from a deep desire to always attract the attention of people around her.


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