Summer camp

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Arms crossed over her chest she watched the landscape by the window of the car. She cursed her mother to ship her in the middle of a forest during her vacation. She was about to spend her entire summer taking care of young monsters. Her dear mother had the brilliant idea to put her on a list of instructors for her two months' vacation. And she didn't even have to say a single word! She didn't bother consulting her before making her a part of the list. The girl hated the camping, preferring the comfort of the city. She was bored to death! Why couldn't she enjoy her summer vacation like all the kids, doing something else than work?

"Don't make that face," her father threw. "I'm sure you'll have fun in this wonderful camp."

"That's your opinion."

"She just wanted to make you happy."

"Then she should've minded her own business!"

"Be careful about what you say. It's your mother you're talking about, young lady!"

The young girl shrugged and sighed. Why did she have to respect someone who ruined her vacations? She knew perfectly her mother's intentions, but it wasn't a reason to get rid of her during the next two months.

"You always complain that you don't have money to go out with your friends."

She suddenly turned to her father.

"I'm only doing it during the school year. Not during the holidays!"

"Lisa, you're sixteen! It's time for you to have real responsibilities."

She heaved a deep sigh before turning back to the window. She still couldn't believe she would have to work during her vacation. It wasn't fair! The road was long, but eventually they reach their destination. Birds were chirping while Lisa went out to get her bags from the car. The camp was really in the middle of nowhere, near a large lake and some islands. A whinny told her there were horses. A little far was the stand for archery and volleyball near the beach. Some canoes were under a small shelter near the lake, in front of the wooden dock. A girl passer her at a rapid pace, but she stopped.

"Hi!" she said with a happy tone.


They shook hands.

"I'm Bianca and I just turned seventeen. Where are you from?"

"My name's Lisa and I'm from New York. And you?"

"I'm from the area. You'll see: you're going to like it here."

I doubt it! She looked around and saw a boy who was talking to another girl near the lake. Bianca followed her gaze and smirked, bowing her head. Lisa frowned and asked why she smiled that way.

"It's David."

Lisa shook her head, saying she didn't know who she was talking about.

"I thought you found him cute. Isn't it?"

"I... I watched the landscape," Lisa replied, crossing her arms over her chest."

"I'm sure of it. Come on. I'll introduce you to the other instructors."

Bianca took her by the arm, but Lisa refused to follow her. She replied that she didn't intend to stay here because her father would take her home. Bianca laughed, eyebrows raised.

"You don't believe me?"

"Well let's just say I suggest you to run fast!"

Lisa turned and noticed the taillights of the car moved away. David had unfocused her a little. She hadn't noticed that her father was out of the main cabin, or that he got back in the car. She looked at the vehicle, horrified. Her father took the road without her. He left her among strangers! Bianca bit her lower lip, crossing her arms. She beckoned her to follow. Lisa seemed really sad to stay in camp. Bianca leaned to help her carry her bags in the cabin provided for instructors. Lisa told her not to touch anything.

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