Rude awakening

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They walked slowly, hand in hand. It has been a while they didn't spend some time together. After a relaxing night at the movie, they went to his apartment to finish their little romantic evening. They made love in the bedroom before falling asleep peacefully.

* * * * *

She opened her eyes, awakened by a strange feeling. Disoriented, previous events came abruptly in mind. The film she had seen with her boyfriend Eric and their return home. She remembered his hands on her skin while they made love passionately. She had fallen asleep in his arms. She looked around and was very surprised not recognize where she was. It wasn't Eric's room, or even her own. She listened. Even outside sounds seemed different to her. Where was she? She sat up slowly, but quickly felt a dizziness that made her lose her balance. Something was wrong. She knew it without being able to know exactly what.

She ended up back to her feet. This smell... What is it? She frowned, looking carefully around her. Nothing was familiar to her. On unsteady feet, she went to the window. Her blood froze in her veins. She didn't even recognize the area... She closed her eyes, taking deep breaths to calm herself. A wave of panic threatened to invade her and it wouldn't help. What had happened after they made love? Why can't I remember something else? She shook her head and she felt her head would soon explode. Everything's okay. A simple headache. She put her hands to her temples to massage them and reduce the pain. Gesture that made her wince. She touched her left temple and gasped. When she looked her fingers, there was blood. Oh my God... She heard a noise behind her. She suddenly turned before she froze with horror. THere is someone... Who was that? At first glance, he would be in his twenties. His face was gaunt and seemed to shiver. He pulled the blanket to cover his thin shoulders. He didn't seem in great shape. He was almost livid, cadaverous. His breathing was labored.

"What happened?"

She heard a growl.

"Shut up," the young man replied witha sigh. "I'm sleeping! Can't you see it?"

She approached him and began to shake him violently. He felt face against the ground, protesting. He sat up quickly, visibly angry. But his unkempt appearance and dark circles under his eyes made him less scary. She dealt him a blow on the shoulder.

"Who are you? What is this place?"

"Calm down! Can you tell me how you got in?"

"I... I don't know...!"

"Shit... Did you take anything too strong? You don't look like..."

He recoiled in horror. He shook his head and mumbled something she couldn't understand. She took a step toward him, but he hastened to back up again.

"You... you can't be there..."

She grabbed him by the shoulders and began to shake him.

"What do you mean? I know I shouldn't be here! And I don't even know how I got here! Who are you?"

With a sudden movement, he got rid of her grip and walked away from the girl. He kept repeating that she couldn't be in front of him, that it was impossible. Even if she really wanted to understand what was happening, another desire rose in her. To give him a masterful beating to make him talk. She felt he was hysterical.

"Shut up and tell me what happens!"

"But I don't understand! You... you're dead!"

The girl backed up too. What was he talking about? She wasn't dead because she was in front of him. She might have a nightmare. This is the only explanation. I'm sleeping and this is a nightmare. I will soon wake up in my bed. He put his head in his hands, repeating that it was impossible. She had enough. She rushed towards him and struck him in the face. He gasped in surprise, but he didn't utter a word. Footsteps were heard behind the door. They looked at the latter that opened suddenly, letting in a guy who looked as bad as the other.

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