Piece by piece

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After a long and boring day at work, he went home, depressed. He hated the job he had since he was expelled from college. Now he picked up trash in a theater after each film. He came home quite late and directly got to the basement where his room was. And as if it wasn’t enough to have a job with no hope for advancement, he still lived with his parents. He shared the basement with his younger sister of sixteen years old. The latter chatted on the phone, lying on her bed. She gave him a dirty look before rushing to close the door. She wanted to keep her life private. Him too, for that matter. He locked himself in his room and sat in front of his computer screen. He had research to do.

And he was desperate. He had embarked on a quest after his expulsion from college: finding love. He wanted to meet the girl of his dreams and he had put all chances on his side: he subscribed on several online dating sites and took a good look regularly over the classified ads in the newspaper. He wasn’t only looking for the girl of his dreams: he wanted her to be perfect in all aspects. Forbidden to have the slightest default. But it wasn’t really easy to find! He had to find her, no matter how long it would take him. But the more time passed, less patience he had. Why was it so long? He met pretty girls every day, but none seemed perfect enough for him.

But who wanted a guy like him? It wasn’t very glorifying to have been expelled from college because he was spying on the girls’ locker room. How could he get caught? He hid in the locker room before the cheerleaders practice. Since no one had seen him, he had the opportunity to slip into one of the lockers giving him a panoramic view of the entire room. He only had to wait for the arrival of the team… who eventually discovered him. Of course, they all complained against him! Yet he had done nothing wrong! They were very pretty girls and they should expect this kind of thing to happen. In addition, it was rewarding to be spy on. It proved that they were pretty to look at. Except they didn’t think that way. When he returned home, he told his parents why he came back: his grades were too poor to keep him there. Yes, he lied. What could he said? The truth? The humiliation seemed sufficient to him. He had found a job without importance to occupy him and put some money aside. His parents made him pay nothing. One of the few benefits…

He connected to his favorite dating site. He found hundreds of pretty girls! No picture appeared on his profile. A brief description was enough according to him. But they should have several pictures, no matter the way they were dressed or what they were doing… A simple description wasn’t enough to find the perfect girl. He sent a message to a beautiful redhead who looked extremely sexy. On the photo, she had a little girly smile he just loved. It wasn’t the first message he sent to this girl. He kept hoping to get a response from her.

After he went on his profile to see if he had received responses during the day. The redhead wasn’t the only one who was interested. There were many and he was unable to make a choice on a limited number of potential girlfriends. They were all beautiful! Finally he received answers! The first girl suggested him to get lost and stop wasting her time. Lousy bitch! The second confessed she didn’t want to find a boyfriend at the moment. You’re wasting my time too. You should specify this detail in your profile! He shook his head and sighed. He was tired of wasting time! The perfect girl would be somewhere! But where could he find her?

He heard his mother opened the door of his sister’s room to ask her to hang up the phone and go to bed because it was very late. Milena grumbled something in response. His mother then opened the door of his room to wish him goodnight.

“Don’t get to bed too late,” she asked him with a smile.

“Don’t worry. Good night.”

She left the door ajar as she had done with his sister who was still talking over the phone with her friend. He could see her walking around the room, wearing only tomboy panties and a little slinky camisole. Intrigued, he stretched his neck to get a better look. She shook her head to release her hair from the elastic she now held in her hand.

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