Black magic

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They entered the classroom, laughing. They went to sit in the back of the class as usual. Chloe dropped on her chair, ending to laugh. Dynalee stood beside her without stopping her laugh. Anyla moved next to the window. The teacher, Mrs. Goodman, entered the room, a smile on her lips. She vigorously greeted them. Lindsey passed a small piece of paper to Kristel. The latter read it before passing it to Dynalee who then passed to Anyla. The paper ended its run on Chloe’s desk. The girl cast a quick glance at Mrs. Goodman before unfolding the small message.

Think of a wish. We’re meeting at the cafeteria. Passes the message to the others.

She turned to Lindsey, a small smile on her lips. Curious, she began to hope the class will end soon. As expected, the four young girls went directly to the cafeteria but where surprised to see that Lindsey wasn’t there.

“Where is she?” Kristel asked them.

“She wants to talk to us, but she’s not even there,” Dynalee sighed.

“Here she is!” Anyla cried. “It’s nice of you to join us.”

“Girls!” Lindsey launched while sitting at the same table as her friends. “Do you remember the movie with four teenage girls whose making magic?”

“Uh… Yes…” Anyla said. “Why?”

“I found a very interesting book in the library.”

She went out of her bag to show them what she was talking about.

“This is the same as in the movie!” Chloe replied. “And you think it works?”

“Wait!” Dynalee answered. “You want we launched spells?”

“Shut up!” Kristel retorted. “Don’t say that so loud. You want someone to hear us?”


“Is that’s why we had to think of a wish?” Chloe asked.

“This is the first spell they casted in the movie. We can do the same thing,” Lindsey suggested. “The worst that can happen is that it doesn’t work.”

They looked at each other, question marks in their eyes, before laughing. Lindsey asked them if they wanted to try. They laughed once again before Chloe noticed a guy entered the cafeteria. He held the hand of his girlfriend. Chloe felt her heart tighten and tears in her eyes. Kristel laid a hand on her shoulder and sighed.

“Don’t forget to think of a wish, Chloe.”

Wiping a tear with the back of her hand, the girl stood before telling her friends:

“At Lindsey’s after school.”

Then she hurried off the cafeteria, cheeks wet with tears.

* * * * *

The sun was setting on the horizon. All shades inside the apartment had been closed and a dozen of candles in different colors were lit everywhere. The five girls moved around the coffee table and put five different candles above. They placed themselves around the table, a candle between each girl. In a cup, Lindsey poured red wine and took out a needle. She looked her friends.

“Put one drop of blood in the wine.”

She did it first. Then Chloe took the needle and, after cleaning it, she imitated her friend. The others did the same. Lindsey lifted the cup with both hands and looked around her.

“I’m getting each of you, my sisters, hoping to be as thin and beautiful as my sister.

She threw a picture of her sister in the middle of the coffee table. She took a sip of wine before passing the cup to Chloe. She heaved a deep sigh before saying:

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