New world, new rules

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The world is changing, evolve...

Over the past century, the whole world has changed positively. The many countries at war signed peace treaties without any conditions. Diplomatic solutions were always considered in a way that favoured everyone. The repercussions were unfortunately felt in the months that followed. Diseases usually associated with war disappeared, lowering the mortality rate. Population increased drastically, affecting jobs and resources available. The level of unemployment around the world skyrocketed. There wasn't enough job for everyone. The same thing happened with food and natural resources. Nations had to team up to find a solution. World leaders created an organization to counter this menace and establish basic rules: World Birth Organization. Each nation had now a charter of laws to enforce to prevent excessive population growth. A licensing system was created. Every couple/family wishing to have a child had to obtain an official permit from their government. A kind of questionnaire to assess whether the couple/family were "model citizens", thus contributing to a "better nation". Unauthorized pregnancy could go as far as imprisonment or sterilization. Forced abortion clinics multiplied, offering the only form of birth control. The population tried to rebel against the imposition of this new regulation, loudly shouting at the right and freedom of each individual. The first rebel groups mysteriously disappeared.

And a strange radio station appeared on the airwaves in each country, disclosing the names of certain people in particular. Forty-eight hours later, these people disappeared...

* * * * *

Molly was terrified. Her father's name had been mentioned the day before. She knew what it meant: he was going to disappear. Every appointees were required to report to the town hall where they were located. And they never came back But her father had not done it yet. With others, he was looking for a way to hide. Would he be able to do it? This wasn't the first time "designated" had attempted that. It never worked. A wave of denunciations was always following. But she felt guilty. Her couple had applied for a permit a few days earlier.

"I'm so sorry that I made this request..." the young woman moaned as she looked out the window. "As if I was thinking only of myself."

"Oh no!" her mother exclaimed. "It was going to happen at some point. Don't worry about him: he already developed a plan."

The young woman turned to her mother.

"What are you talking about? Do you have any idea what they are doing to the designated?"

"Everyone has more or less their little idea, my dear."

"How can you stay so calm?"

"He knows what he has to do."

The young woman suddenly got up and approached her mother.

"What is he up to?"

"I don't know."

"You're too calm. You know something. Tell me!"

"It's better for you that you know as little as possible."

"You... you are afraid for me but not for him? Or even yourself?"

Her mother smiled without looking at her. She knew something. So why not tell her daughter to stop her from worrying? She turned to her daughter and tenderly stroked her cheek.

"It's for your own good."

Furious, Molly rushed out of the kitchen. For her protection! She didn't believe it. Protect her from what? If her name was on the list, there was nothing she could do about it. But since her father's was announced, did that mean that her application for a permit was accepted? If so, should she be happy about it? She didn't want to lose her father because she wanted to start a family. The price to pay was too high! She needed to talk to her father. After the announcement, he went out of the house and didn't returned. Where was he? He was up to something. Why keep it a secret? She had the right to know, didn't she? She thought for a moment before going back to the kitchen.

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