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He consulted the little file in front of him for the tenth time in twenty minutes. He heated waiting. Especially after the people who sought so hard. Why this kind of thing was happening to him all the time? He looked at his watch again after closing the file. This guy was late. How was it possible to help someone who was unable to attend an appointment on time? He almost screamed with joy when small knocks were struck at the door. He invited him to come in. a small man with a mustache strangely looking like Hitler entered the room. He seemed nervous, glancing anxiously around him.

“Sorry for the delay,” the little man threw with a squeaky voice, “but there was an amazing traffic.”

“Sit down, Mr. Dempsey.”

“Please, call me Al.”

“Can we go directly to the subject that concerns us?”

“Yes, of course… Did you cast a glance at what I gave you?”

“Sure, but I’d like you to tell me yourself about the situation. You must have a good reason to want such a thing, isn’t it? I want to know more. You see, Mr. Dempsey – Al -  I don’t kill people for fun.”

“Mr. Blair, I have a very good reasons for wanting it.”

The killer asked him to give a little more detail. Al Dempsey took a deep breath before exposing the facts. He was married to the same woman for almost ten years, but she had never loved him. Startled, Blair asked him why he thought so. According to what he knew, she married him for his money. The oldest reason in the world! Blair sighed. During the recent weeks, he suspected her of having an affair with another man. It was only suspicion, but he was pretty sure. He even believed to have seen him in the house. What more could he tell him? They had no children and she pressed him to make significant changes to his will. Blair raised his eyebrows, convinced that his services weren’t required. The guy who stood before him had doubts, but no concrete evidence. Nothing proved that his wife should die for her infidelity, lack of love and changes she wanted him to do to his will. Dempsey had read doubt on Blair’s face because he began to squirm nervously in his chair. Then he cleared his throat.

“I know what you’re thinking, but you’re wrong.”

“Explain yourself.”

“She’s fucking with another guy and then they want me dead! I don’t want to end up in a box before the end of the month!”

The last remark made Blair smiled. Dempsey really believed that his wife conspired to kill him with the guy who’s fucking her. He didn’t think for one minute that he could be wrong. Why? It wasn’t the first time that Blair heard this story.

“Listen to me, Mr. Dempsey,” Blair began in a quiet voice, “if your wife is cheating on you, it doesn’t mean she wants you dead.”

“And the will? How do you explain that?”

“She might want those changes because of your health.”

“No! She wants me dead!”

“It’s not so simple.”

Dempsey jumped up, offended because the killer didn’t think the same thing as him. He began to pace the room, looking for what he could say to convince him. Blair wasn’t impressed by his reaction. He had seen many before him.

“What does she want to change in your will?”

“I don’t know…”

“Who will be the beneficiary in case of you death?”

He seemed to think for a little while. Blair suppressed a giggle. This little man believed to have influence because of his money. He waited for her answer still said nothing.

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