Chapter 3: First Day of School

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I woke up at 7 in the morning and I'm still tired. Good thing class starts at 8:30. I still have time to do stuff.

I went out of bed, and I saw that Kaya's still sleeping. So I filled a small bucket with cold water, then..... SPLASH!!! I dropped it on her.

"AAAAAHHHHH!!!! WHAT THE HECK JADE!!!!!" She screamed.

"HAHAHAHA!!! You-should've-seen-your face..... HAHAHAHA!!"

"Why did you do that for?"

"Just for fun."

"You should've warned me about you being a prankster." She smirked.

"Well you'll learn more about me later on."

She went into the bathroom. I changed the bed covers and stuff, also moped the floor. Suddenly, my phone vibrated, Thomas texted me.

I heard a scream in your room, what happened? ~ThomasBSangster

Oh yeah, yesterday when me and Kaya went to Dylan and Thomas' room, they gave me their numbers.

I dropped a small bucket of water on her. IT WAS HILLARIOUS ~JadeSchmidt

LOL how did she react? ~ThomasBSangster

She screamed and said "You should've warned me you're a prankster." Then I said "Well you'll learn more about me later on." ~JadeSchmidt

Haha..... I'm gonna get ready now. Bye! ~ThomasBSangster

Okay, byeeeeee ~JadeSchmidt

I looked at the clock and see that it was.... 13 PAST EIGHT?! I NEED TO GET READY!

I banged on the bathroom door. And I shouted, "KAYA ARE YOU DONE IN THERE???"



She came out in a dressy blue long-sleeved shirt, jeans, and black heels.

"WHAT???" She said.

I ran in the bathroom while she was looking at the clock. Then I locked the door.

"HEY NO FAIR!" She said.

"HAHA TOO BAD SO SAD." I said inside the bathroom.

"Huff.... fine I'm done anyways."

I had a quick shower and put on a white tank top that says Haters gonna hate in a black font, a jean jacket, white skinny jeans, and silver flats.

I looked to my watch and saw that it was 8:23.

"Ready Kaya?" I said as I stepped out of the bathroom.

"Yup! LET'S GO!"

"Wait, my bag!"

I grabbed my backpack that was already filled with school stuff, and my IPhone.

"Okay, now I'm ready."

"Let's go!"

We walked out and locked the door. Turns out, Dylan and Thomas went out the same time as we did.

"Hey neighbour!" Dylan said.

"Hey Dyl! Hey Tom!" Me and Kaya said.

"Hey guys!" Thomas said.

Thomas' POV

I went out the door and locked it while Dylan greeted Kaya and Jade. The girls looked nice that day. But Jade seriously took my breath away. Eventhough she wss wearing normal clothes, she still looked beautiful.

"Nice outfits girls." I said.

"Thanks." They said cheerily.

I think I was staring cause Kaya said,

"It's rude to stare Tom." Jade just blushed.

"Sorry it's because a certain someone looks real beautiful today, and I'll tell you later Dylan."

"Umm... okay..." Jade and Kaya said.

*time skip to lunch time*

We got our lunches which was fish and chips, chocolate pudding, chicken soup and milkshake. We sat at one of the outdoor tables because someone was smoking in there.

I sat beside Dylan and across from Jade. Kaya was across from Dylan. We were eating quitely until Kaya broke the silence.

"Oh yeah Thomas, you said a certain someone looks beautiful today, and I think I know who that is." Kaya swiggled her eyebrows.

"Really? Who?" Jade asked.

"Kaya, we need to talk." I said firmly.

"Fine." Kaya said.

Me and Kaya went to the corner of the cafeteria.

"Kaya please don't tell Jade that I like her. I know it's only been a day, but she makes my heart race. So don't ruin this for me." I said, more like begged.

"Okay, okay. But you guys are so cute together, I just can't even!"

"Can't even what?"

She lifted an eyebrow at me.

"Seriously Tom?"


She only said she can't even, how was I supposed to understand that?

"Let's just go back." I said.


We went back to our table and I saw Dylan glaring at me. I wonder why...


Hey guys! How's this chapter? I had time to write this at school time cause I'm sick and at home. And I added Thomas's POV! Do you like? So, comment, vote and read! Thanks sooo much for reading!



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