Chapter 24: The Beach

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So I finally learned how to make a manip and how to put it up here. I hope you like it! Comment what you think! This is my first time photoshoping so it's still not that good.


Jade's POV

Me and the others are all walking down the beach. Me and Thomas, and Kaya and Dylan are hand-in-hand, while Ki Hong, Will and Ollie are talking behind us.

My loose tank top flowed with the wind as we walked. My hair blowing behind me. I looked up at Thomas and smiled.

"Hey guys, we're gonna join the others back there." Dylan said.

"Okay. We're just gonna keep going." I said.

So they walked back to the others. Then they all ran back to the house.

"Well, I guess it's just you and me now." Thomas said and smiled.

I giggled, "I guess so."

"You look nice by the way."

I looked down at my clothes. I was wearing a flowy tank top, shorts, sandals and aviators.

"Thanks, you too."

Thomas was wearing a blue short-sleeved button up and knee-length jeans.

He laughed, "Thank you milady."

We laughed. I leaned my head on his shoulder as we walked.

"I miss being alone with you." I said.

He wrapped an arm around me.

"Do you want to sit down?" He asked.

I nodded. We sat on the sand and looked out to the sea. The sky was a bright blue and the sea was a greenish blue.

"The sea is beautiful." I said.

"No, you're beautiful."

I looked at him and said, "That is so cheesy. And you've used that one before."

"But it's true."

"Fine fine whatever you want Sangster." I didn't realize I sounded a bit harsh.

"Awe, don't be mad at me Jade." He said and leaned in to kiss my cheek.

I turned to him to say something but he kissed my lips.

I was surprised at first but then I kissed back. Our lips moved in sync. He cupped my face in his hands and continued to kiss me. We pulled away a little to take a breather then he kissed me again. This time more passionately.

"I love you Tommy." I whispered.

He smiled into the kiss.

"I love you too."

We smiled at each other.

"Get married already you two!" Someone shouted a long way behind us.

We turned and I saw the others watching us from a window on the top floor of the house that's facing us. I laughed and we waved at them.

"Seriously though you should get married! You're 24 you're old enough!" Ollie shouted. I can see the others laughing and Kaya doing a thumbs up at me and Thomas.

"What do you think Jade? Should we get married?" Thomas said and smirked at me.

"Is that your proposal Thomas?" I laughed.

He helped me get up and he got on one knee.

"Will you marry me Jade?" Thomas said jokingly.

"Of course Thomas!" I laughed.

We laughed. He lifted me up bridal style and kissed me. I can hear the others clapping and laughing.

Thomas carried me all the way back to the house. We sneaked behind them and into our room. He plopped me down on the bed which made me giggle and he jumped beside me.

"What do you want to do Thomas?"

"How about Netflix?"

"You know me too well." I smiled.

Thomas put on 'The Walking Dead Season 5' and I somehow silently made popcorn. I climbed back on the bed. I put the popcorn bowl between me and Thomas. He wrapped an arm around me and played the first episode.


(Spoiler Alert)

"Damnit! Why does Beth have to die!" I cried.

I leaned my head on Thomas' shoulder. Then I heard snoring above me. Turns out, Thomas is sleeping.

I sighed and smiled, "What am I going to do with you?"

I shimmied out of the bed and walked back to the beach. I saw Ollie sitting on the sand, staring at the sea. I sat down beside him.

"I missed being around people." He said.

"You were alone?"

"Yeah. We were in the forest. When the enemy started shooting, our sergeant told us to run as fast as we can. So I did. I didn't realize, everyone was shot except me. I kept running and running. I was tired. But what kept me going, was thinking that if I survive this, I can go back home to you, Mom and Dad." He paused and looked at me.

"I missed you so much in those years. I tried to send letters, but they never got through. The only memory I have left of you was actually the day you came home. I was 11, I waited with Gran and Gramps. Then, Mom and Dad came home. Mom was cradling you in a pink blanket. You called it Blankey when you were older. I jumped and begged to hold you. You were so small. I remember your rosy cheeks, your tiny hands, and your adorable smile." He continued. He smiled at the memory.

"At that moment, I swore to myself, I'll be the best brother ever to you. I will protect you from harm. I will protect you from bad people. And when I went missing, I swore to myself I will go back home to you. But I didn't protect you from harm. I didn't protect you from bad people. And I didn't go back home to you soon enough." He looked down.

I put a hand on his back, "Ollie. You couldn't have done those things. You're here now. And I'm grateful for that."

I side hugged him. He hugged back.

"Thanks Jade. I missed your words of wisdom." He said.

I laughed, "I don't think I was wise when I was 4 Ollie."

"Oh you were, for a four year old."

"Alright whatever you say Oliver." I said with my hands raised in defeat.

We stayed silent for awhile. Just listening to the waves crashing to the shore. Then, I saw the horizon turning kinda green.

"Green sky means tornado. If you're at one of our houses, get everything you need to survive and go down to the bunker." My dad said.

"Ollie, get everyone to pack everything. And go down to the bunker." I said as I stood up.


"There's a tornado coming."

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