Chapter 9: Tell her you love her

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Thomas' POV

I woke up at 6 in the morning. It's been a week since that dinner and me and Jade haven't been hanging out as much since it's kinda awkward.

"Thomas! There was an announcement! We don't have classes today cause there was a problem in the classrooms! WOOHOO!!!" Dylan said jumping on my bed.


"Yup! Let's hangout today! You've been hanging out with Jade lately. PLEASEEE.." Dylan pouted.

"Alright, alright. But on one condition." I pointed a finger at him.

"What?" He groaned.

"You have to buy me breakfast and get the f*** off my bed!" He jumped off the bed.

"Yes sir mister president sir!" He saluted at me and ran out to the cafeteria.

I got my lazy ass off the bed and to the bathroom to shower. I changed into a grey long-sleeved shirt and black skinny jeans.

Dylan came back with two plastic bags.

"Okay, I bought you pancakes with syrup, and I bought two sandwiches for me." He said putting mine on my bed.

"Wait, two sandwiches? How are you gonna finish them?" The sandwiches they sell here are good but big.

"If the foods delicious, I think I can eat 4 portions."

"I'm confused why you don't get fat. You eat like a dinosaur." I started eating my pancakes.

"In that case, ROARRRRR!!!" He roared and jumped on me.

"Dylan please stop!" He kept acting like dinosaur until....

"Dylan, stop acting like a toddler and eat your breakfast." Someone said.

We both looked at the door and there was Kaya.

"Yes Mama." Dylan teased. I laughed a little.

"*sigh* Thomas, there is something I need to tell you." She came in and sat on Dylan's bed.

"Hey! That's my bed!"

"Just sit beside me." Kaya patted the space next to her. Dylan sat there.

"So, what do you want to tell me?" I put my pancakes aside.

"Okay, Thomas you may not know this but Jade is in love with you. You have to tell her you love her. After that dinner you had a week ago, she seemed kinda-off. So please don't ignore her."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure!"

She's in love with me.... I need to tell her.

"Thomas you HAVE to tell her." Kaya said.

"Tell me what?" A person said.

We looked at the door again and there's Jade.

"Uh...." Kaya looked at me and mouthed 'Tell her.'

I went over to Jade and held her hand.

"Jade, ever since I met you I have been head over heels for you. And Kaya just told me you felt the same way."

"So, are you saying you love me?"


"But I want to ask something. It's the same thing I wanted to ask at our last dinner together." I continued.

"What is it?"

"Jade Schmidt, will you be my girlfriend?"

She paused for a moment, probably letting my words sink in.

The British Boy Next Door(A Thomas Sangster fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now