Chapter 24: Tornado

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Jade's POV

Everyone was packing all their stuff. I've done mine, so I packed all the food and water in the kitchen. I packed a radio, and every single battery I could find. Cause who knows? The tornado could last any length of time.

We all got all the bags and some pillows and blankets to the underground bunker.

"Jade, there's already lots of survival stuff down here. Why do we have to pack more things?" Dylan asked.

"Just in case the tornado is really long. You never know."

"I told you you were wise." Ollie said.

"It's just a percaution! Not a wisdom of mine."

"Guys, do you hear that?" Will said.

Everyone went silent. I listened. I heard the sound of very high winds.

"It's starting." Thomas said.

"I hope the house won't fall apart." Kaya said.

"Everyone hopes their houses won't fall apart." Dylan said.

I turned on the radio. I adjusted it and we listened to the radio news.

"-od afternoon England, and it's time for Station 1 Radio News. First story, a tornado has hit the northern shore. We advise everyone to pack everything you need and go to an underground bunker or basement as soon as possible. Next news, a group of robbers ha-"

I didn't listen after that. I laid down on my mattress and stared at the ceiling.

I wonder if the tornado hit America? Will Mom and Dad be okay? How long is this tornado going to last? Is it even going to end? Oh god. What if this tornado will last forever? What if-

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a cold hand held my arm. I looked up to see Thomas sitting next to me.

"You were thinking for awhile there." He said.

"Yeah. I'm just worried. And scared. Wait scratch that I'm terrified! I'm scared that we'll die! I'm scared that I won't get to say goodbye! I'm scared that... that..." I trailed off into a sob.

Thomas sat me up and wrapped his arms around me. I rest my head on his chest and sobbed. I gripped the collar of his shirt and just sobbed.

"I'm so scared Thomas..." I whispered.

"Shhshhshh.... I won't let anything happen to you again, okay? Sleep, you should rest."

I nodded. He brushed his fingers through my hair and kissed the top of my head.

The last thing I heard before I fell to sleep is Thomas saying, "I love you Jade."


I woke up still in the bunker. But it was empty. I stood up and went upstairs. The house was destroyed. The whole ground was covered in rubble. The air was foggy and cold.

"Thomas? Ollie? Guys?" I asked, no one in particular.

I walked on top of the rubble and searched for the others.

I saw a picture laying on the ground. I picked it up. It was a picture of me and Thomas looking at each other when we were siting on the beach from the back.

I held it onto my chest and held it tight.

Then I climbed onto a pile of rubble. And a few meters in front of me, was everyone. Dead.

Their bodies were scattered. All bloody and pale.

I walked over to Thomas and kneeled beside him. His head was bleeding badly and his arms and legs were covered in scratches. Then, he coughed out blood.

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