Chapter 25: Sam

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Jade's POV

"S-Sam? How did you get my number?"

"I have my ways Jade. Now, my point of calling is to demand you to come back to me."

"No! You abused me you sick monster! You're the cause of my amnesia! I'm never coming back to you!"

"You have to. Or your parents will pay the price."

Then there was a whimper. Mom.


"I will, if you don't come here in the next week. And you better keep this a secret."

Then he hung up.

You might be confused. Who's Sam you ask? And what do I mean amnesia?

Sam Barks was my ex-boyfriend from when I was 14. He abused me and tried to rape me multiple times but I never turned him in because I loved him.

Stockholm Syndrome I know.

But eventually I snapped out of it. One day, I've had enough. I managed to escape from him but he chased me out to the streets. I got hit by a car which caused the amnesia. That was the reason I forgot about Ollie.

I locked my phone then went in the living room. I cuddled back into Thomas' arms.

He looked at me and asked, "You okay? You seem a bit, off."

I looked back at him and gave him a small smile, "I'm fine Thomas. Let's just watch the movie."

Thomas' POV

Hmm... something's wrong with Jade. I wonder what...

She went back to our room. But she forgot her phone. I picked it up and I was about to walk to our room when she got a text message from an unknown number.

Being the curious person I am, I opened it.

'Don't be late sweet cheeks ;)'

Sweet cheeks? A wink face? Late for what?

Is she cheating on me?

Jade's POV

I was about to plop down on the bed when I realize I forgot my phone.

I went downstairs and into the living room to see Thomas with it.

"Can you give me my phone back please?" I said.

He turned to me with angry eyes.

"Thomas, what's wrong?" I asked with a bad feeling in my stomach.

"You bloody know what's wrong." He said angrily and threw my phone to the couch then walked away outside.

I picked up my phone and went inside me and Thomas' room. I wonder what's wrong with him....

He looked mad about my phone. Maybe he saw something. I unlocked my phone and saw that there was a text from Sam. And it's opened!

Thomas saw it!

Oh god oh god oh god....

I chased Thomas outside. But I can't see him. I looked around frantically but I can't see him anywhere.

I got down on my knees and cried.

Sam ruined my life once again.


"Jade! Jade! Wake up!" Someone's voice said and shook me.

I opened my eyes to see Ollie and the others. I'm in my room. How was I in my room?

"Jade, we can't find Thomas!" Kaya said.

At the sound of his name, I broke down.

"Hey hey hey what's wrong?" Ollie asked. He sat me up and sat next to me.

"My ex got my number somehow and he texted me. Thomas saw it and got the wrong idea. He stormed off and I couldn't find him yesterday. What am I gonna do?" I said then cried into Ollie's shoulder.

"We'll find him Jade. Like we did with Heather." Dylan said.

"Wait Heather! I haven't Skyped her!" Will said and ran out of the room.

We laughed at him.

"Maybe we could call him!" Ki Hong said.

He immediately opened his phone and called Thomas.

After awhile, he took the phone off of his ear.

"Straight to voicemail. It's probably off." Ki Hong said.

"Oh no...." I put my head in my hands.

"It's okay Jade. We'll search for him." Ollie said.

"Right, come on!" Dylan waved at Ollie and Ki Hong and they went out.

"Don't worry Jade. They'll find him." Kaya said and sat next to me.

"But what if they don't? What if they found him but he's hurt? Or worse?"

"Calm down. What if they found him? What if he's okay? Things don't always turn out bad Jade." She said with a smile.

Sure, that's if you're not Jade Schmidt.


Four chapters? Wut? I'm sorry I haven't updated. I've been really busy eventhough I'm already on holiday. I promise, I will update again in a few days.



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