Chapter 20: The Island

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Thomas' POV

"What?! Not again..." I said.

"Exactly." Jade said, who was sitting next to me on the couch.

"So she just gave you a death threat?" Dylan said.

We all glared at him.

"YES!" We said.

"Oh Thomas do you think she would just leave us alone?" Jade said with a sad look.

"I don't know love. But we just have to keep you somewhere safe." I said and I wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

What did she do to deserve a life with threats?

"So I have to leave you guys? No!"

"I meant, we would have to stay somewhere that Ashley wouldn't know. By 'we' I mean all six of us."

"But don't you think she'll get suspicious if we suddenly disappear out of thin air?" Ki Hong said.

"Yeah, she could have her father to ask police to search our apartments." Will said.

"Are you sure she's gonna go that far?" Kaya said.

"Probably. She's really possesive of me. It's really annoying." I said.

"You don't say." Jade said with a playful glare. I pinched her cheek which caused her to giggle.

"We need to make some sort of plan to keep Jade and all of us safe. But where should we hide ourselves?" Dylan said.

"My parents own a private island off the coast. We could stay there." Jade said.

"Is it far from the coast?" Ki Hong said.

"A few dozen miles at least, yes."

"But how long are we staying there?" Will said.

There was a quite long pause.

"Honestly, no one knows." I said.

"At least 2 weeks probably. If we come across her after that and she asked where have we been, we could just say that we went on a trip together." Jade suggested.

"Do you think she'll buy it?" Kaya said.

"There's only one way to find out." Will said.

"You know, we haven't properly hung out with Jade. We should go out together." Dylan said.

We all glared at him.

"Dylan, when someone is trying to kill you, you don't go out!" Kaya said.

Dylan thought about it.

"Oh yeah."

We all chuckled at him.

"So, when do we leave?" I asked.


Jade's POV

This is the day after we planned of hiding. We decided to leave today after we make ourselves an alibi. So they told their bosses that they need to move for a couple of months. And I told my parents about the situation and told them to not tell anyone about it.

"So, everyone all packed up?" I asked. We all got together at Will's place since it's the closest to the harbour.

"Yup." Everyone said.

"Okay, so we all go into Dylan's Range Rover to the harbour, and then I'll lead you to the yacht."

"You have a yacht?" Will asked.

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