Part 30: This Is It

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19 November 2015

It's been about 3 months since I've seen Thomas. We've been texting and calling and talking on Skype back and forth. But it's been 2 weeks since the last time he Skyped me.

"C'mon c'mon.... pick up Thomas!" I said to the laptop as I tried to Skype Thomas.

I've been calling him 18 times already in the past 20 minutes and he's still not answering.

I finally gave up and cancelled the call.

I shut off my laptop and laid back onto my bed. I sighed, this is not working well for us....

Suddenly, my door opened. Ollie peeped in whilst eating a jelly doughnut.

"I heard you sigh. What's up sis?" He said with his mouth full of doughnut.

"Chew then talk Ollie."

I can hear him gulp as he swallowed and sat beside me.

"What's wrong sis?" He asked as he stroked my hair.

I sighed, "It's Thomas. I've called him a million times on Skype and he hasn't picked up yet. I already texted him god knows how many times and he hasn't texted me back! I'm starting to doubt our relationship."

He groaned, "Alright, that's it! You've been miserable these couple of weeks because of that guy. When he answers one of your texts or picks up on Skype or answers your calls, break up with him."

I widened my eyes and shot up, "What?! Break up with him?! He's one of the best things that ever happened to me Ollie! What if he just had his phone fixed?! Or maybe he's staying in the countryside and there's no signal or wi-fi? What if he just lost his laptop? I can't end our relationship over that!"

"But you JUST said you're starting to doubt your relationship!"

I stayed silent. I do have my doubts.

"I'm going for a walk." I stated as I put on my coat and walked out the door. Not even bothering to say goodbye to Ollie.

I brushed past my parents who I can tell was about to ask where I was going and walked out to the breezy autumn air.

I stomped to the park and sat on my favourite bench. An old one under the giant oak tree.

Am I having doubts on Thomas? I'm his girlfriend! I should have faith in him! But he hasn't been answering me for weeks. What if he's cheating on me? What if he's bored with me? What if he doesn't love me anymore?

Out of habit, I started to fiddle with the bracelet Thomas gave me. I still remember when he got it for me on my birthday. He was so sweet and....

I sighed as I leaned back on the bench.

I closed my eyes and just before I fell asleep, my phone ringed.

But the ringtone was the special ringtone for Thomas.

I quickly answered the call.

"Hello? Thomas?" I said.

"Hi Jade."

"Thomas! Oh my god! I missed you so mu-"

"Yeah yeah yeah, uh, listen. It's been hard to keep in touch with you lately. And, I've been busy with my new acting job here in London. I'm starting to get successful. So um, I-I just thought that, maybe we should take a break."

I widened my eyes, "What?"

"I think that um, maybe we should uh, break up, you know?"

My heart shattered. "W-why do we need to break up? W-we could work this out! I know it!"

"I'm sorry Jade. But I think this is for the best."

"No, please Tommy please.... I love you."

"Goodbye Jade."

He hung up.

I put my head in my hands and cried.

Our relationship is over. Just like that.

And to think that I was so desperate to call him not only that I miss him, but I wanted to ask him if he wanted to come with me to Paris next December. Well, now that would never happen.

I wiped my tears and took in a deep breath. No, I won't cry because of him. If he ended our relationship like this, then he's not worth my tears.

I stood up and started to walk. I didn't know where I was going, but anywhere other than home and this park will be fine.

I kept walking until I found this cute little coffee shop called 'Marie's Little Cafe'. I could smell the aroma of coffee and quiche and other baked goods. I guess a cup of coffee and a muffin would be nice.

I walked in the bell over the door chimed as I walk in. There were a few people sitting on the tables with coffee cups in their hands.

I walked over to the counter to be met with an old lady who greeted me.

"Good afternoon love, what would you like?" She asked me with a smile.

"A Vanilla Frappé and a Banana Muffin thank you."

"Make that two Vanilla Frappés and two Banana Muffins." Someone said behind me.

I turned around and turns out, it was Dylan.

"Dylan! Oh my god I've missed you and Kaya so much!" I said cheerfully and hugged him.

He chuckled as he hugged back, "Well we've missed you Jade! It's been awhile since we've seen you."

We pulled away and we paid the lady. I took the tray and we sat at a table.

"So, how's your relationship with Thomas?" He asked.

I frowned down at my cup and played with the straw.

Dylan frowned, "What's wrong?"

"He just broke up with me today."

He gasped, "Oh I'm so sorry Jade, I-I didn't know."

"No it's okay Dyl. He said he was busy with work and I guess he didn't have time for me."

I looked down at my hands and looked up when Dylan's was holding mine and stroked it with his thumb. I looked up at him and he smiled sincerely.

"Hey, if it makes you feel better I'll get the next flight to London and beat him up for breaking up with you." He said.

I giggled lightly, "No that's not necessary. But thank you though."

He smiled even wider, "Your welcome. Anything for a friend."

I smiled back at him.

Thomas's POV

I sighed, "There, I did it."

She smiled slyly, "Excellent. Good job Thomas."

I shook my head and sighed. I'm sorry Jade.

The British Boy Next Door(A Thomas Sangster fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now