21. Why?

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21. Why?

Brambleclaw: *wakes up from a very long nap*

Firestar: BRAMBLECLAW go on a border patrol now

Brambleclaw: why?

Firestar: *confused* um.. Because I said so

Brambleclaw: why?

Firestar: because- NEVERMIND just do it

Brambleclaw: do you like waffles?

Firestar: *makes a disgusting face* NO DONT SAY THAT

Brambleclaw: why?

Firestar: *slaps Brambleclaw* go on the border patrol, and get Ashfur to go with you

Brambleclaw: why Ashfur?

Firestar: WHO ELSE?!

Brambleclaw: why not like.. Bluestar nyan cat?

Firestar: *screeches* DO IT OR ELSE

Brambleclaw: why?


Brambleclaw: sorry

Firestar: done? Good. now get me a mouse

Brambleclaw: but...why?

Firestar: *explodes*

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